Ebay keyword spamming

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Its not misleading at all, its attracting a potential buyer away from another sale to this one, makes perfect sense to me.

Who cares about Ebay rules.

Seems to me the Hateful one is you Neil sorry, ranting on about a trivial little thing like keywording. If you dont like advert dont click on it afterall nobody is forcing you too.

One example of keywording i have used was when i was selling my Bravado a few years ago, I think i titled as such...

1992 GT Bravado for sale, not Zaskar, Avalanche, Xizang.

Know when you search through the Ebay listings that is what you'll see, so if you're looking for a Zaskar and you come across my Bravado ad and you're not interested in my Bravado you just dont click the ad. But me as a seller if i can tempt you away from your Zaskar choice and onto my Bravado then bingo i made a sale and you got something a little diferent in a Bravado.

Now where is the harm in that?
FSR-Si":ju6w4x3d said:
Its not misleading at all, its attracting a potential buyer away from another sale to this one, makes perfect sense to me.
Um, it IS misleading. If not you're doing it wrong.
FSR-Si":ju6w4x3d said:
Who cares about Ebay rules.
Plenty - when it suits THEIR ends to care.
FSR-Si":ju6w4x3d said:
Seems to me the Hateful one is you Neil sorry, ranting on about a trivial little thing like keywording. If you dont like advert dont click on it afterall nobody is forcing you too.
Uncannily, that's exactly how it works with my posts, too.
FSR-Si":ju6w4x3d said:
One example of keywording i have used was when i was selling my Bravado a few years ago, I think i titled as such...

1992 GT Bravado for sale, not Zaskar, Avalanche, Xizang.

Know when you search through the Ebay listings that is what you'll see, so if you're looking for a Zaskar and you come across my Bravado ad and you're not interested in my Bravado you just dont click the ad. But me as a seller if i can tempt you away from your Zaskar choice and onto my Bravado then bingo i made a sale and you got something a little diferent in a Bravado.

Now where is the harm in that?
It makes the baby jebus cry, and somewhere, suddenly a baby kitten dies.

Is your tawdry sale worth that on your conscience?
i think the difference is how its done. if i list a high end ish bike i use a subtitle with the brand names of parts fitted. gives people a quick idea of spec. according to ebay this is fine.

the problems comes when people sell a kona and put "not gt, etc etc"
I can see throwing Grafton or Koooka in if you are selling some after market cranks. Adding 'Yeti' to Shimano cranks that came off a Trek is just whoring.

The worst abusers to me are the ones who say 'not Paul, Ringle, etc'. If you are selling a set of Avid brakes I know Paul and Ringle do not make them. Neither does Apple or Exxon. You gonna list them too?

There's usually no attempt at being clever to mask the obvious name whoring. They just throw some names up there for cheap hits.
Neil said:
Is your tawdry sale worth that on your conscience?

I dont usually get involved in petty internet squabbles but Neil you really do come across as a pompus moron, sorry!
FSR-Si":3dza9gtz said:
Neil said:
Is your tawdry sale worth that on your conscience?

I dont usually get involved in petty internet squabbles but Neil you really do come across as a pompus moron, sorry!

COULDN'T AGREE MORE with the last quote!!! If it's a case of getting 10 watchers or attracting 100 watchers through diffrent means.... then where is the argumnet here.
Nothing wrong with CAREFULL USE OF WORDS and if someone want's to call it keyspamming then go for it.
I am far more pleased by the things I find with help of keywords than I am annoyed by the things I don't want that come up in search results.
I must also add, there is people that use stupid key spamming methods, for instance, lets just say you are selling an IF frame, now i see no wrong with putting LIKE FAT CHANCE, DEKERF.... What i do thing is silly is if someone was selling an IF frame and they put LIKE MARIN, SPECIALIZED, LAPIERRE.
FSR-Si":2ovc1620 said:
Neil":2ovc1620 said:
Is your tawdry sale worth that on your conscience?
I dont usually get involved in petty internet squabbles but Neil you really do come across as a pompus moron, sorry!
Don't be sorry - have the courage of your convictions.

1. Is it just precious - those advocating that people annoyed with ebay auctions with keyword spamming should just ignore it, and move on - seem uncannily unable to follow their own advice in this thread...
2. You had to selectively take a sentence out of context to out your righteous indignation, when context would have shown it to be rather tongue in cheek
17. I'm starting to come around to the view that things said in jest may just be that bit nearer the truth

You and the other keyword spammer have just caused the needless deaths of about 300 fluffy kittens - how DO you live with yourselves...
Neil":3fz4w5j0 said:
FSR-Si":3fz4w5j0 said:
Neil":3fz4w5j0 said:
Is your tawdry sale worth that on your conscience?
I dont usually get involved in petty internet squabbles but Neil you really do come across as a pompus moron, sorry!
Don't be sorry - have the courage of your convictions.

1. Is it just precious - those advocating that people annoyed with ebay auctions with keyword spamming should just ignore it, and move on - seem uncannily unable to follow their own advice in this thread...
2. You had to selectively take a sentence out of context to out your righteous indignation, when context would have shown it to be rather tongue in cheek
17. I'm starting to come around to the view that things said in jest may just be that bit nearer the truth

You and the other keyword spammer have just caused the needless deaths of about 300 fluffy kittens - how DO you live with yourselves...

wtf planet do you live on :?
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