Ebay keyword spamming

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FSR-Si":zvydtdwj said:
Neil":zvydtdwj said:
FSR-Si":zvydtdwj said:
Neil":zvydtdwj said:
Is your tawdry sale worth that on your conscience?
I dont usually get involved in petty internet squabbles but Neil you really do come across as a pompus moron, sorry!
Don't be sorry - have the courage of your convictions.

1. Is it just precious - those advocating that people annoyed with ebay auctions with keyword spamming should just ignore it, and move on - seem uncannily unable to follow their own advice in this thread...
2. You had to selectively take a sentence out of context to out your righteous indignation, when context would have shown it to be rather tongue in cheek
17. I'm starting to come around to the view that things said in jest may just be that bit nearer the truth

You and the other keyword spammer have just caused the needless deaths of about 300 fluffy kittens - how DO you live with yourselves...
wtf planet do you live on :?
Listen, sunshine, nobody makes you read or reply to my posts - so your whinging about what I write is no different to others whinging about keyword spamming in ebay auctions.

Something (like the needless slaughter of cute, fluffy kittens) that seems to have slid right by the roll-eyed-emoticon-brigade.
NEIL... you seriously need to keep off the drugs :?
You seem to want to reply to everyone elses comments and act like a C**K so whats the diffrence.
100s of kids killed in the middle east over the last few weeks, but in this country, on Easter Sunday, we have pleboids moaning about ebay spamming !, which in fairness is not as bad (if it ever was bad ? in the first place) as it used to be.

Here they come.............. :roll:

Bloody hell, I have been looking for that 1988 rear mech for the last 12 years, searched high and low, it will finish my build, its half the price I expected, I can buy it now....., hang on, he has spammed his ad with the word "suntour" :twisted: ......sod that, i aint buying it.

graham1975":1bs95sjb said:
NEIL... you seriously need to keep off the drugs :?
You seem to want to reply to everyone elses comments and act like a C**K so whats the diffrence.
And I'll tell you exactly the same, sunshine - I'm just as free to voice my opinion as you are - and don't you forget it.

And you moaning about me, is no different from me or anybody else moaning about keyword spamming in ebay auctions, so deal with it.

And seventeenthly, internet forums have a long and colourful, literally around, um, 2 decades, of history of needless, shameless bickering, circular arguments, and people never changing their viewpoint, be it Kirk vs Picard, or whatever else lights your candle. Consensus and communal back slapping may be all warm and fluffy, but gets dry rather quickly.

And lastly, no cute, fluffy kittens were harmed in the construction of my posts - can you say the same - well can ya? I don't think so, on easter sunday, too, shame on you...
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