And today I did......

Aye nice new trail by OCP and the new one we cleared looks like a decent link for the final trail to the carpark.

Next project is to make a trail from the bottom of brick road to the bench trail.

OCP you had the right man with you for trail buildin :mrgreen:
I remember one day near the bottom of the Choc Slide sittin on my bike watchin Keithy (aka Hulk Hoggan) fellin trees with his bear hands, he turns to me dead sarcay like "YOU CAN HELP if you like" a said yer doin fine by yer self .................. BTW I said, "are you plannin on bringin a Transit Van doon here judgin by the size 'o' the path yer makin". :mrgreen:

Aye, he jist walks along where he wants the trail tae go wi' his arms flailing, some of the trees jist get oot his way :shock: , scuffin his muckle feet kicking the crap oot the way. Thought it wis a guid idea tae keep well oot his way.

Ye mentioned getting anither car on the new Festive Frolics thread(?), do ye have one in mind/lined up?
Re: Re:

old_coyote_pedaller":rlgyhx3l said:
Aye, he jist walks along where he wants the trail tae go wi' his arms flailing, some of the trees jist get oot his way :shock: , scuffin his muckle feet kicking the crap oot the way. Thought it wis a guid idea tae keep well oot his way.
You've got it in a nut shell thats exactley what I meant e's like a JCB :shock:

Ye mentioned getting anither car on the new Festive Frolics thread(?), do ye have one in mind/lined up?
No car yet I'll have to take what comes, way the amount of cash I've got yeah canny be to fussy

Try and get a diesel, the MPG is brilliant. The engine in my Passat is one of the best VW built, a 1.9l TDI (AFN type) 110bhp.
I'd driven diesels before but they were either works vans/pickups or a feckin big lorry, so never wanted a diesel car. Preferred cars like GTIs or Sciroccos or 325i BMW. Think I've grown out of driving fast cars, finally. :oops: Though the Passat isnae slow it's still no a GTI.
+1 for the diesel Rob, went from 1.6 petrol, to 2.5 diesel, 70 more horses and min +6 miles to the gallon, what's not to like

anyways, merry xmas and happy new year chaps, been hiding out up in skye. took a road bike, but the only action it saw was falling off the roofrack 5 miles from home. managed a dawn raid on the hills tho, but need to get back on the saddle and work off weeks of over eating and boozing, might as well have a beer and start tomorrow

WP_20141229_015 by gmac123, on Flickr
Happy New Year mate to you and your family.
Looks lovely by that pic.
Sorry about the falling bike :(


Went for a wee bimble roon Blairadam this afternoon on my ain since Rob disnae seem tae be talking tae me :cry: .

Once again it was dogshit day in there, folk with absolutely huge dugs, dozens of them. Wee, naw, big bags o shite left everywhere. The dugshite bin next to gate at bottom of carpark wiz stappit foo, the shite wiz piled up aboot 6" above top with mair spilled onto ground around it. How stupid are dog-walkers? It seems very stupid. Would it hurt tae pit it in another bag and put it in bin at home? Arseholes.