And today I did......

Re: Re:

clubby":xhab3w4c said:
My current "one in one out" policy is going to get put to the test when the Saffron is finally ready. Plan was to sell the Cannondale 29er, but having 2nd thoughts. Had a mad plan to swap brakes around with the fat bike, get some drop bars and turn it into a monster cross!

Lol just to tempt you I could be interested in the 29er as looking for one next year for commuting and light xc.

Been watching for a cotic Solaris or singular swift on ebay.

Just in from a wee jaunt round the hood 8)
Wind 'n' rain but not that cold, 1.30 - 4.15'ish ran outs fuel near the end hand to
buy a ice cream as a last resort, picture this if you will. Dirty old man standing in
the dark, wind & rain being served by a piece of jail bait, probably 15 or 16 'kin
stunner :shock: there's me with two boot laces dangling off ma beak NOT A NICE LOOK :oops:

Went out shopping a.m. on the road bike 'kin baltic it was :(
p.m. went out again this time, over shoes, cycle longs, Hein Gericke lobster claw mc gloves, down bothy jaykit, Gortex, a wusyn gonna be called this time :twisted: When it got dark it started to warm up :? ????? Ended up chaisin rabbit way the bike lights "driftin" stylee 8) Schwalbe Marathons were interesting on wet mushy grass (in the dark) :mrgreen:

Yeah it was, the fog came down just as I started to turn for home I had Alf to walk and feed when I got in. It was OK in the fog with the lights (cheers ZZ :wink: ) and it was a bit warmer then.

Just been out for a wee trundle on the VooDoo (FM its riddin sweet :twisted: ) very little wind, suns out with a bit of cloud, 3deg but it feels colder (on the feet'n'hands).
Have you no overshoes Rob ?. The neoprene ones are very good for warmth and certainly a lot better than nothing. I believe mountainman Rado wears his all year around :P
And no gloves :? Or the wrong type ?

PS wheres Radek anyway, i havent seen a post from him for a while. :?

Pre ride tip No1 don't asses the riding condition from behind a double glazed window :oops:
Yeah I do have neoprene OS (Didn't put them on.)
I had neoprene gloves on but I took them off for 5 mins or so to eat a stickybun & a roll then had real bother getting them warm again. Oooo while I was out I got within 15-20 feet of a particularly beautiful Buzzard about 8 feet off the ground the Crows were giving it a hard time.
Im sure Rados left RetroBike.