And today I did......


Went for a wee bimble roon Blairadam this afternoon on my ain since Rob disnae seem tae be talking tae me :cry: .

Once again it was dogshit day in there, folk with absolutely huge dugs, dozens of them. Wee, naw, big bags o shite left everywhere. The dugshite bin next to gate at bottom of carpark wiz stappit foo, the shite wiz piled up aboot 6" above top with mair spilled onto ground around it. How stupid are dog-walkers? It seems very stupid. Would it hurt tae pit it in another bag and put it in bin at home? Arseholes.

Almost killed TK on a fat bike ride, have a feeling his wife may have finished the job when he finally got back home (slightly late)
Great ride though apart from the slight headwind on the homeward leg.
Sounds good Clubby. Hope TK survives as well ;)
I am hopefully getting out shortly to get in some darkness miles through the woods ready for the Strathpuffer in a couple of weeks.
OCP, It is pretty bad up here as well for the dogshite, we are just back from the woods and having three dogs, well two just now and a couple of big ones, I would never dream of leaving my dogs crap lying. In our woods you sometimes see that they pick it up in a bag, then hang the bag in a tree?????? They are my dogs so are my responsibility, some owners just dont get it. Usually the older the owner the less likely they are to pick it up in our woods.

Dunnet Forest certainly suffers with the dog do, and a fair share of the tree decorating sorts. I cannot fathom why anyone would hang up bags of dog do like that.

Can't say the age of the owners is something I have noted when it comes to leaving dog do though. I rarely see people doing it!

We've twice been up at Loch Morlich when the sled dog races have been on. There was dogshite everywhere, underfoot bagged/unbagged, hanging in the trees, some of which was still hanging there months later in the summer. Spoke to the guy in the campsite shop (owner?) who was equally disgusted by it, even said he would rather forego the extra business just so that they didn't come back to make such a filthy mess. It seems to be a widespread thing with dog owners, I know that there are responsible owners like you Jamie :cool: but looks like you are outnumbered by the ones who don't give a feck.

I spoke to the people in the FC office last time (that I know of) there was a mass dog walking thing at Blairadam, the response was that they encouraged them to come walk their dogs in the hope they'll do it responsibly. They led me to understand that the owners that came WERE the responsible ones. Aye, right.
been a productive day, managed 3hrs in the saddle (knackered after a lazy December, will not commuting in the morning), a bit of hut re-org including a 300 watt light to illuminate and heat the place :LOL:, and I finally got the strava ting going - going to try and keep the milage honest in 2015

First time out on the road bike today for me too after a very lazy December. Nae dog shite to avoid although if there was it would've been frozen solid I reckon :LOL: . Only managed an hour but the roads were bloody lethal in places then got a puncture from a thorn after trying to avoid the ice :facepalm: so decided to quit while I was ahead and avoid the almost inevitable meeting of Col with tarmac.
Good going Graham :) on both fronts, the ride and the shed. Not sure on this Strava stuff.
Good going Dyna, shame about the puncture and know what you mean about the roads. Most of the back roads up this way were frozen for most of last week, leading to a few crazy rides where I couldn't tell whether it was water or ice.

HF and OCP I agree that it seems to be that responsible dog owners are the minority. Dunnet is disgusting really, there is signs up, the council ranger is up there at least once a month giving out masses of poo bags and still its like poo bags hanging like Tibetan prayer flags.
I really think this country should be like back home in Australia, in that all dogs should be licenced and microchipped and that way you are the owner so you are responsible. Its not perfect but it makes people be responsible and accountable. Its not a money making excersise as it was next to nothing for a five year licence once they bought in microchipping. After many years in animal welfare and conservation in a few different countries, I must say Britain is not pro active in general and tends to do, from a beauracratic level only what it must, the bare minimum of whats required.

I agree completely, we should be making it difficult to own dogs. We have far too many dog owners, and accountability is sporadic at best. Dunnet Forest was totally different back before they built the paths. Now lots of townies come out to walk their dogs. Unfortunately I think covert cameras are the only way forward.

Still a beautiful area though! Dunnet Beach is one of the most beautiful yet relatively unknown places in Britain.
I did survive, head wind was a gale! Totally wiped me out, legs like jelly. Anyway got home,showered and downed 2 nurofen then started the joinery I had to get done for the decorator coming in the morning. Only just finished!!! Epic last day to the holidays, might commute by bike tomorrow :)