And today I did......

I find that too at christmas, after the first six boxes of Maltesers its all too easy ;)
fjpshaw: why so long off the bike? did I miss something, were you OK?

Re: Re:

RobMac":bqphx7gg said:
Yip its no fair, it takes you months, years, to build up fitness but only two weeks off to start losing it :?

Ive been off or was rather off the bike for over 3 years. If anything i'd say its the short steep sections that completely do me in. Over distance it doesnt appear to be a problem as i commute a lot but and hills and im done in totally.

I wondered if maybe starting in a gym and concentrating on the legs might help :? any thoughts from you fit lot ?
Ride, ride, ride the wind ;)
Failing that then find a couple of long medium steepness hills and up you go, repeat, repeat and repeat. Old School ;)
Find the steepest hill in your area then do the same.

Hi MacRetro's, sorry to show my southern face here, but has anybody heard from Boxxer? I really need to get hold of him but he has not been on line that I can see and has not responded to PM's.

All well Jamie, cheers! :) Just a case of the lazy bastards. Plus dark nights through the week haven't inspired me to get out, and a one year old to chase after at weekends takes up a lot of time. As much as yesterday was an effort, it did feel great to be out again, and I did enjoy it despite myself. Hopefully get out for another couple of rides before normal life resumes next week, and try and establish some kind of routine again. Although with number two sprog due in February, that might be short lived!

Happy new year to all of you when it comes. Hope you survive Jackie Bird gurning away as per.

After a crap nights sleep then missed my ride out with Dell Boy & Uncle Albert I went out on my todd
to recce a wood a few miles away from me with a view to use it for a bivvi or a MacRetro ride out. I
dont think it would be demanding enough for you guys but it would do for a bivvi, I'll go back at some
point SOON and see if I can jiggle it up a bit ;)
Hi guys
fjpshaw, i know the feeling well, having a four year old to chase after. Not thats its a problem, i love it and like everyone you only have so much non work time and can't fit everything in. Sometimes I take my little man with me and as he gets bigger he can go further and further afield. Its just adapting and depends on priorities I suppose. My fitness and 'workout' miles has certainly decreased though as I certainly wouldn't change it.
makes you appreciate the miles you get in.


Rob, ye were missed.

See I can do sincerity nae bother. Me and Keith rode the new trail I linked up/cleared yesterday and it seems like there's been others on it too, as I went back for another go after Keith left for a pressing engagement. :mrgreen: We also created another trail too by just kicking crap to the side and breaking aff branches. This starts up near the top the totem-pole path and links into trail that ends at metal gate at bottom of car park.