And today I did......

First ride in 6 weeks. Last time I had that long off was when I broke my collarbone. This time it was two bouts of family illness sandwiching a holiday. Thought we were all on the mend, when Sharron went on a hen doo and brought back a sickness bug. Spent the last week working its way through the three of us. Thought I’d escaped but finally caught up with me on Saturday. On ebike today and still feeling tired.
Bought a rear wheel for the Ebike. And as per usual managed to get it completely wrong due to not paying full attention to the info in the sale. Was needing a 29", ended u with a 27.5". So it looks like I will now be running the bike in a mullet set up.
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Headed out round my local trails to be pleasantly surprised they’ve finally cleared the storm damage from Arwen two years ago. Over time, detours had been walked in but it had also increased traffic on lesser paths that pretty much only the mtbers used. Local riders knew when to avoid them but the dog walkers had trashed them in all weathers. One in particular is three times the width it used to be as people tried to walk around the mud. Hopefully they’ll go back to using the main all weather path and “our” trails will have a chance to recover.
Picked up a carrera kraken with rc36 evo forks, only wanted the forks for another build so swapped buts over etc


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Not today, but a couple of weekends ago I had a trip over to Kirroughtree MTB trails, my first time there & I have to say I was quite impressed, car park & visitor centre were decent, and most importantly the cafe did a decent coffee & piece of rocky road 😅.
Oh yeah, nearly forgot the trails... I did some of the blue & reds, a few technical bits but nothing too scary, I think some of the trails I usually ride in Aberdeenshire are harder,or rather they're advertised as blue or red grade but imo are probably red or black tbh.
If you've not been then it's well worth a visit, I think I'll definitely be back at some point as there's a lot of trails to explore & I barely scratched the surface.
The tourist route through the Galloway forest is also a very nice drive along some small twisty roads, if you like driving, speaking of which, the only downside was that it's a 5hr drive from me...
Spent hours searching my hardware boxes for the second of a pair of doorstops I bought. Gave up and went to check Screwfix account so I could order another and turns out they come in singles and I only bought one in the first place. Feckin idiot.