Not today, but a couple of weekends ago I had a trip over to Kirroughtree MTB trails, my first time there & I have to say I was quite impressed, car park & visitor centre were decent, and most importantly the cafe did a decent coffee & piece of rocky road

Oh yeah, nearly forgot the trails... I did some of the blue & reds, a few technical bits but nothing too scary, I think some of the trails I usually ride in Aberdeenshire are harder,or rather they're advertised as blue or red grade but imo are probably red or black tbh.
If you've not been then it's well worth a visit, I think I'll definitely be back at some point as there's a lot of trails to explore & I barely scratched the surface.
The tourist route through the Galloway forest is also a very nice drive along some small twisty roads, if you like driving, speaking of which, the only downside was that it's a 5hr drive from me...