And today I did......

Did a couple of hours in Blairadam on my todd, after 3 good falls and pint of blood I decided to call it a day. Jesus it was slippy :?
Yesterday wifey told me just after I left there was a power cut and the boiler was on the blink. Thinking it was just an RCD I left it till today. Turns out Scottish Power had a booboo and goosed half the electrical appliances in the street. Initially I thought it wa just the boiler but a Scottish Power guy told me to check the rest of my stuff. My AV amp is blown, I pod dock and computer speakers. They have admitted full liability and theres a damage appraiser coming round. Probably as good an opportunity to do something with the stack of HIFI stuff I have lying around. Time to join the 21st century methinks.
today i had one of those days
said to wifey ,lets go out in your expensive german cabriolet , lets go up
the coast ,or into the highlands ,get a bit of lunch
so , 10 ish daughter and grandson turn up , were going out up the coast tells wifey ,want to come ? okay ,so ,the problem is that with 4 seat convetables is that you cant put the roof down or lower the windows as there is a lot of wowling from the back
bear in mind its supposed to be the hottest day of the year in a country that is not that warm
so the air con is pressed into use
and that sets of wifeys astma

so we drove to upper largo ,the san fran of the bay area ,and pootled about on the beach ,watched the sail boats,and the dogs in the sea ,then the rain started ,so we chased the sun to san andreas (st andrews)
where we drove around looking for a parking space , then left
down to luvians in cupar for some ice cream , £3.10 for a 2 scoop cone FFS
tho i did get a nice monopole2000 rioja for 8 quid ,so .....

bit of a shit sandwich day for me , not as i expected but okay non the less

next week end tho we're off
Tightened up the headset on the fuji ,apart from the slight
Chain issues that was it after yesterdays outing
Ususlly feels like me bikes been gang raped after a big day out
Tough these old feckers
Cycled to and from work today after yesterday showing me that I'm in rotten shape. Legs were almost fine, shoulders a wee bit stiff, arms fine.

Perineum is a different story. I think a change of saddle is needed. I think it's goodbye Flite Gel Flow (with a cut out to stop this sort of thing_ and hello Charge Spoon.
WC cistern in brown bathroom cracked dropping 2 gallons of water onto the floor.
Water premeated gently through ceiling into downstairs white shower room.
All 2 gallons of it.
6 leaks in ceiling.
Thank fek the blue shower romm is working ok. hatch is in blue shower room.
Emptied loft last week for new FREE insulation.
Spent all weekend going through contents of loft (downstairs) and taking stuff to recycling centre, where I got an A&R Cambridge A60 amp for £3 :D
All today spent taking remaining stuff back into cosy loft and wondered at the space I'd created. Lots of frame hanging space :idea:
Kids now desperate for the loo.
Did a 50 miler today with my mate who is flat out at 15mph on the flat. We were out for hours !

Stopped at the cafe at Castle Semple and parked the Gios next to a Vitus and me and the owner indulged in a bit of mutual admiration !