And today I did......

bloke at work is a grandad to 6 kids he's 40 ish
but his daughter is 22
tho its the same father ,suprising thing is he works (off shore)
Had a good chat with an old couple outside my work who had an absolutely gorgeous fillet brazed tandem. Fascinating object with some beautiful frame details, handmade by a guy called Tony Oliver who seems to have been a framebuilder about 25/30 years ago who gave it all up. Then marvelled at how easy tandem riding looks if you know what you're doing on them.
mikee":16rub4va said:
bloke at work is a grandad to 6 kids he's 40 ish
but his daughter is 22
tho its the same father ,suprising thing is he works (off shore)

Must have V high sperm count and awfully good aim :shock:
Well done and congrats to mr+mrs Kaiser :D

MrP .Thanks for that visual,just what was needed on a Saturday morning :shock:
I've managed 50+ road miles with 2-3 miles of very steep uphills around Lanark country side area on early morning. You can officialy call me a nutter and masohist as I even enjoyed that.
No energy gel and isostar either, just water to avoid diarrhea issues.
me and miniclockwork did 42 miles today (me on the surly him on the clockwork) albeit on mainly flat roads.It was a good first proper training ride and we both felt relatively fresh at the end too. He also learned that to much front brake on a damp corner is never a good thing but hey ho you got to learn somehow. Still got a wee bit of saddle breaking in as after 30 miles it was getting a bit sore :lol: