And today I did......

Got a very nice shiny purchase through the post. A set of Middleburn crank arms with spider and lockring that I got for a bargain price. After collecting it from the post office (it arrived on Saturday) I went home and started the construction process of attaching the rings I had from Chain Reaction that were waiting for it.

Bloody middle ring doesn't fit. So I checked out the Middleburn website and sure enough the middle rings can be either 88ID or 90ID. I've got 88 and need 90 as the spider is a 90. Feeling like a bit of a numpty I then checked the CRC site in case it was down to me being thick(er). It turns out that they don't list the shoulder ID for any of their Middleburn middle rings or spiders. Pissed of at myself for not noticing there were different types and at CRC for not mentioning there is a difference. I got the set of rings for a super cheap price but if I have to return them and buy elsewhere it will cost a fortune.

Yours sincerely,

Furious of Edinburgh.
RobMac":4y8cheow said:
Taz CRC have a brilliant returns system you dont even have to pay postage and the packaging is reusable, send it back.

I'm trying to see if they will accept just the middle one Rob. I bought the 3 as a set as they were on special offer, and don't really want to return the others as they are fine. I'll see what the say in their reply e-mail tomorrow morning.
RobMac":15ttvw3z said:
The brown, the white, the blue is it a castle you stay in you w@nker :lol:

Having just dispatched one of the staff to have a quiet word in yer lugs, I'm now off to walk the dogs before retiring for the evening. Cookie comes on at 5am tomorrow.

Got a cassette and chain in post from CRC, paid on Sat morning, arrived in my hands at 2pm today. Noticed the new returns form with prepaid address label in the box, that's brilliant.

Funnily enough I just fitted Middleburn cranks to my bike. Got the RS7s with trials bash/ring cheapish on eBay, had previously won a spider with almost new 44,32,20 rings off there too. So now, taday, my bike has new cranks/rings, chain, cassette, and jockeys. All fitted and no need to adjust the gears except the stop screw for big rear sprocket. Standardisation is great.

At weekend changed the cranks on my wife's bike, STX RCs, with new rings, chain and cassette. Also fitted a set of Hope Minis to my daughter's bike with bigger 180/160mm discs to replace the XC4s with smaller 160mm discs.
Both said their bikes had improved significantly. :D