And today I did......

Shut yer face you right :x
Furr you information Im only 64 next month AND its a ULTRA Dawes Galaxy Ti Ive got so get it up yeah.

LBS has one hanging up and its damn beautiful to look at.The reason its hanging out of reach is to stop staff and certain customers from getting their oily mitts on it :lol:
I think its a 54 or 56 but either way its too small for me :( Owner wants £2G

A sound investment Rob.
3.5 hour ride, 2 hours of which with a less fit mate. Knew he'd only have a short pass so rode to his and home again. I now feel like a drugged up roadie able to gap anyone at a moments notice. Feeling good for boys weekend away to Dalbeattie coming up.
Trails surprisingly dry after all this rain.
clubby":3b0wcqrc said:
3.5 hour ride, 2 hours of which with a less fit mate. Knew he'd only have a short pass so rode to his and home again. I now feel like a drugged up roadie able to gap anyone at a moments notice. Feeling good for boys weekend away to Dalbeattie coming up.
Trails surprisingly dry after all this rain.

We've had a bit less rain and a bit more sun and i reckon the ground was too dry and has sucked it all up :? Like watering a dry plant after a fortnights holiday.Within 5 mins the top is dusty again and you literally have to drown it to get damp earth on top :?
The Ken":gina8q81 said:
How do you find it Eck, I have a permanent search on eBay and haven't spotted any, I want another rear.

i'm just good tk :wink: i'll keep an eye out for a rear for you :wink:
dyna-ti":2g4oukvu said:
kaiser":2g4oukvu said:
Ordered the fork I've been procrastinating over forever for the Dialled. Plumped for an air sprung RS sektor. Shouldn't be too far away with finishing this one now. :D

Sounds like a serious build Klaus 8) Any pics of it as it is?

This is it here Andy, forks arrived today :D ... ht=dialled

just need a few bits and bobs and get the wheelset built and its good to go.
Looks very nice indeed kaiser looking forward to seeing it and will bring a spare set of pedals to get a proper go.

Today, inspired by our yo chat on the way up north on friday, i took the bananarama out for a spin. It has been looking spanking hanging up in the garage for to long. Sure the bars are to short, the tyres to thin, and the wheels are to wee but **** me does it move and proper point and shoot steering too. Reminded me why I feck about with these old bits of pig iron, bing bang bosh Yo. :D
Just got some 29er tyres, CST CRitter Comps in 2.1" flavour, el cheapo but not bad. Trying to decide between 96ing a 26er hardtail, full 29ering a Trek Y Frame or bodgineering an elderly 26er from the long distant past that will just fit the tyres. Only time will tell :lol: