And today I did......

Sent off a couple more of the ebay sales today - that just leaves a frame and fork to deliver to a certain macretro-dweller tomorrow and it's all away. Got a (small) surplus in the paypal now. Head says transfer it into the bank, everything else says that's bike money, spend it - SPEND IT!
Well I've just spend the last 3 nights in hospital with MiniKen - he has pneumonia and has been on oxygen since sunday but is improving now - might get out over the weekend. I'm staying at the hospital so don't have any net access and limited phone time.

Need a volunteer to finalise the organisation of the Baltic Bawbags - just need names sorted and someone to lead the route. There should be little ice so any of the routes on the map should be viable, most of us have done it before. I may or may not be there see how things are going.
Not good, you must've been worried sick :shock:
My brother had pneumonia, he was in hospital for a week, we were very worried.
Glad to hear he seems to be on the mend.
I'm sure someone will lead Bawbags and I'll do a name check.
Oh Dear TK :( that is bad news though im glad he's pulled through it all right.
Ive had it twice and it is a really hard illness.
Sorry to hear miniKen is ill, nothing is more important than the health of your bairns so it's good he's getting better.
I know how sick I felt when my oldest was ill and in Ninewells when she was 3y.o.
Very scary time TK, hopefully that's the corner turned. Same thing happened to us with our daughter, just remember they're tougher than they look.