And today I did......

took christine out for the first time tonight

rattled the pedal of my right shin before it was even out the shed
off up the hill dogs in tow (?)
rides really nice high b/b is a bit wierd but it clears stuff i hit on other bikes
the brakes are crap tho, need to sort that
when i left the house it was dryish ,i get to the top of formonthills and
biblical rain comes down ,jeeezus its wet so pedal off back home down thru
one of velos favorite trails (so he reckoned) how ever the foliage is now
about 8ft tall ,and bloody wet
someone said that you can only get so wet ,well i think i've beaten that
level of wetness today
so gets back to the house ,and the rain stops
so christine is still cursing its owners ?
dunno we'll see
will do some pics later in the week
Cycled home.

Not my brightest move it has to be said. The entire length of Queen Street I cycled through a 6 inch deep river.

Does anyone know how to get water out of the screen of a BlackBerry :(
went to Glentress. did part of the black route then from the mast cut over onto spooky wood on the red. bucketing down with rain the whole time, was awesome. very glad i brought the waterproofs with me :D got back to the car about 11pm
Cool haggis, was down at GT yesterday too with a friend who was over from the States. Just did the red, but somehow managed to almost completely avoid the rain :D
Disaster. The. "1 inch steerer" rond forks arrived today from the bay but despite the seller's assurances they are in fact 1 1/8. I'll probably keep them as they'll end up on something but i'm back to square one with the sunn build. Shame as they'd have really suited it too.

In other news the stockpile of retro goodies surrounding my desk at work is rapidly becoming the talk nether office. Really need my other half to spend a night at her mother's so I can smuggle some of it home.
Rumble":1xl6sqwh said:
Disaster. The. "1 inch steerer" rond forks arrived today from the bay but despite the seller's assurances they are in fact 1 1/8. I'll probably keep them as they'll end up on something but i'm back to square one with the sunn build. Shame as they'd have really suited it too.

In other news the stockpile of retro goodies surrounding my desk at work is rapidly becoming the talk nether office. Really need my other half to spend a night at her mother's so I can smuggle some of it home.

doh, did you see the carbon obsyss ones on the bay? not sure of the steerer size but they were lovely.
Yeah, saw them and thought about a punt but by then i'd got the ronds! Wouldn't be so bad but i'd specifically asked if the steerer was 1 inch. Oh well, just have to get another frame for them to go on!
You know in Gregory's Girl the observation is made that boys are obsessed with facts and figures- well that did occur to me as I gleefully set off to the garage with the bathroom scales to weigh my bikes earlier.

This was driven by my feeling that the Dahon folder build was turning out nice and light with all the old school (sorry 'auld school'- this is MacRetro) MTB componentry on it.

Built up it weighs 24.4 lbs (plus or minus about 0.3)- better than I initially hoped for. Also better than my road bike (25lbs, but that is with a carrier and mini pump) and much better than the Tufftrax at a substantial 31lbs.

Must be heavy tyres. And the rack. Actually in the dim and distant past (1989) I seem to recall the quoted weight being either 29 or 27lbs- time to look at the old Saracen catalogues.

Well fancy that.
I'll get some pics up sometime, still trying to figure out what model they are. They've got a canti hanger so i'm thinking at least 96 or earlier. Had a later set in about 2000 and they were great, very bomber-like.

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