And today I did......

A fairly active weekend, with a couple of hours clambering over rock armour on Kirkwall's shore removing copious quantities of washed up nylon rope as part of the annual Bag the Bruck weekend. Serviced my dad's vintage Edinburgh Contour (does that make him a 76 year old Retrobiker?) and replaced an escaped slate on the roof, all on Saturday.

Today I loafed in the morning other than watching footy in the pub, then toiled on the allotment, planting the rest of this year's tatties. FINALLY got out on the road bike for a fairy hard 20 miles before sunset, as the wind had become a brisk SE'ly. Decided that Charge Fork is scything my nadgers as a result of being too high and made adjustments. On doing so saw faded mark suggesting the seat was about 15mm higher than normal...

And just now got a Google Maps API for my website so I can bore everybody with GPS data from my travails... here is sample from last year:

I had my GPS logger with me tonight, and while it logged things beautifully, I found the track included a day walking around Edinburgh, and a flight to Shetland in January.

Shower then bed, then wake up with horrible cramp, next on the agenda.
Nipped up to Perth today to look at another engine for my old Golf
didnt do much else as Im a bit sore from running on friday.
Always gets me on day 2 :?
50 odd miles on the roadie today, had a blast, ride felt great and the climbs seemed to fall away. Wee bit of every type of weather just added to the magic. I'm off for a snooze noo.
Returned ECG monitor to health clinic in leith and then went to work all by bike in 1 hour 45 minutes over a distance of 17.5 miles the last 10 of which were entirely uphill, well pleased with myself :D

Touring bikes are brilliant but not Glentress capable so I'd better not try that :LOL:
Today I decided to get my ass into gear and make headway on some projects.

Yo Eddy- called Kev Winter to check on progress. Turns out it's been ready for a week but he couldn't find my phone number. All the repairs and mods are done and it's now homeward bound. So with a frame on it's way I boxed up the parts that need anodising and sent them off to Mansfield. The batch includes a nice pair of Grafton cranks that I bought for the Indy (but they didn't suit) and a 29.4 controltech seatpost (I've given up on finding a mint Moby). They said about a week turnaround so I need to get cracking on the frame.

IF Ti Delux- forks arived from Rob in NY and were sent straight away to Kev Winter. He is going to add 20mm to the length by the cunning use of custom designed extensions. These will slip over the bottom of the fork leg like a lug joint. The tops of these are shaped like the crown on the IF headbadge. They will also provide a strong mount for the disc mount tab.

Final job of the day is to change the fork crown on the RC100. It has a stripped thread and I bought a spare off Justbackdated almost a year ago but didn't get round to fitting it.

After that lot I think a beer will be in order.
well done Mr E :cool:

I know it doesn't really count since it was sunday but it was very memorable "I did a poo outside in the lee of a scottish mountainside with the wind whistling around the trossachs "
Hold up high the Spade of Shame,
Shout I am not afraid of you!
But just remember to watch out,
for pile of falling poo!
clockworkgazz":2920sx9l said:
well done Mr E :cool:

I know it doesn't really count since it was sunday but it was very memorable "I did a poo outside in the lee of a scottish mountainside with the wind whistling around the trossachs "

