And today I did......

Alas I dont work there, considered volunteering but I cannot fit my life around there hours of operation :roll:

Going in this Saturday to sift through bits as I have this mad idea to build up a mtb using entirely french components such as Maillard and Sachs-Huret etc :lol:
Friday : Went out for a run (1st time in years).

Saturday : 60 mile on the road bike.

Monday : Had another run.

Wed : (Tonight) Was out on the MTB for a hour off road.

Im really getting back into the ZONE and enjoying it which
is bad new for you youngsters :twisted:
zigzag":3h2x7oic said:
Finally feeling a bit of love for the bikes again, it's been a while...

Fannied about with Gazz's Hardrock, put some air in the tyres, sorted the front brake cable routing, put the grips all the way on (!) and moved levers/shifters inboard, moved front der up to stop it interfering with the weirdy biopace type big ring. Unfortunately I'm now eyeing it and my spares box and thinking about what could be upgraded :shock: Slippery slope, back in the basement with you, you naughty temptress!

Stripped paint off an old seat post and polished it up in readiness for the Pipedream. Started to remove the excess metal from the Rockhopper's dropouts, will need some decent drill bits to finish it off though. Also tried to straighten out the Rockhopper's frame (noticed it's bent at the back, seatstays-rim spacing is way off, although chainstay-rim looks OK).

nice to see your getting your mojo back- keep forgetting you got that wee bike there, thanks for the tlc my man- just looking in the garage tonight and I realised I'm getting greedy again :oops: the dale needs some bits to get her dressed proper like, the M2 needs many a part to get her rolling and the road bike just needs some tlc but I can't be arsed really :roll:

not to mention I will be getting a 91 stumpy very soon- might get it delivered to kaisers house (if that is cool) wife will go ballistic if another bike lands on the doorstep- WTF am I doing?
Rob, I'll be candid and say that while I admire your cycling and running exploits, I find the cage fighting stories more intimidating...

My cycling today has just ended with a one mile run back from the pub, where I was carbohydrate bingeing for stored energy. On the basis that 'isotonic' means 'in tune with your body's fluids' I feel that Scapa Special fits the bill admirably.

While there I was speaking with a couple who have been to Skye recently, and they described the condition of the roads there as the worst they had seen, and I mentally resolved to pass this on since you are planning a tour there.

The April window for LEJoG has passed, so w/c 23rd August is what I'm aiming for now. Anyone else for a MacRetro raid through Englandshire?
Mixed night round Thrunton last night. Rode with Toon's mates, all on big burly All Mountain jobbies. Fecking animals they are, racers and Morzine regulars. None of the usual 2-3 stops and a fag break on the way up to the cairn- just flat out everywhere.
Once we got into the trees I could hold my own. Caught and passed a few on the first run, puntured in the second. HP sauce was frustrating- set off second last and left a big gap but caught a guy just a few hundred yards in. Stopped and waited three times for him to get away for a clear run only to catch him again. On the last run I went first but knowing some of em were quick I set of like a scalded cat. Second bend over the roots I pulled the rear tyre off the rim. Tube stayed up but tyre jammed in frame. Carried bike out. Now starting to see limitations of hardtails around Thrunton- you have to push so hard to keep up with the sussers and a big accident is never far away.
Lots of effort then with little reward. Very sore today.

Roll on Saturday and a return to riding retro at a slightly more sedate pace.
did 2 hrs out on my hill last night on a rigid alpine stars
with 1.5" conti cross countrys on it ,things a missile on roads/fire roads
but "challenging" most other places
good fun tho
trying the ride a different bike every day thing
so far
saturday rigid pace
sunday s/s GT 1
monday A- stars cromega 1
tuesday evening class
wednseday A- stars almega
thursday ..dunno yet
Finally ordered one of those tiny 12 quid 'Muvi' digital camcorder thingies that have been causing a stir on STW and BikeRadar - Assorted MacRetro high jinx coming soon to a youtube near you 8)