And today I did......

Finally feeling a bit of love for the bikes again, it's been a while...

Fannied about with Gazz's Hardrock, put some air in the tyres, sorted the front brake cable routing, put the grips all the way on (!) and moved levers/shifters inboard, moved front der up to stop it interfering with the weirdy biopace type big ring. Unfortunately I'm now eyeing it and my spares box and thinking about what could be upgraded :shock: Slippery slope, back in the basement with you, you naughty temptress!

Stripped paint off an old seat post and polished it up in readiness for the Pipedream. Started to remove the excess metal from the Rockhopper's dropouts, will need some decent drill bits to finish it off though. Also tried to straighten out the Rockhopper's frame (noticed it's bent at the back, seatstays-rim spacing is way off, although chainstay-rim looks OK).
Cycled two off road laps of Richmond Park (the old BITD route) with a mate. found my pain barrier but didn't stop. Same again thursday.
Two paltry round trips to 'work' today: 0.75 mile downhill there, uphill back x 2. It's hardly bloody Tenko is it (obviously, since it's on a bike).

Burnt bridges with Scottish Government planners with 'Who the hell are you/we to tell people what kind of house they can put up in the countryside?' approach. Surely planners should live in the real world?

Raining, so bike with mudguards. Looked at uncabled Tufftrax and thought

I quite like the VVX nomenclature (I'm so taxonomical).

Musing over next mainland trip in June, as I'm in Thurso on the 16th, Dounreay 17th, then St Andrews Run is on the 19th and Trossachs Ton on the 20th. The evening of the 17th and the 18th seem ripe with potential, and I may have my annual grind up Bealach na Ba as I head to Edinburgh. Anybody fancy any of this, or are kicking about the NW Highlands then?

Today I yet again acted as race Marshal for my works running groups monthly time trial. Thus yet again I got pee'd off with having ME as I cannot take part :(

Mind you it does feel good to encourage the runners to greater things. One knocked nearly three minutes from her previous time in this 5K event 8)
Just succesfully filed my 08-09 tax return online at the sixth attempt (just 3 months late this time). Spent 32 minutes on hold on their helpline. Now pondering what to buy with the big rebate cheque that should be with me in the next 7-10 days. Still on the IR system as Rt Hon. :roll:
Which is nice.

Weather holding up, hoping to go to Thrunton tonight.
Just paid £45 for the AA to change a cylinder coil - more money spent on the bottomless pit that is Cars - it isn't even anodised!
popped upto Bike Station for a nosey around & found... (never purchased anything)

3 x girvin flexstem's

1 minted Kona (cinder cone / lava dome , it was 'out of bounds' and I couldnt go and touch it) proper retro 8)

1 Cannondale f 700 in the Volvo colours ( again out of bounds)


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