And today I did......

Today I took advantage of the pleasant weather (for Feb) and gave the fleet a proper wash. Alf was running round the garden with his ball while I got on with the job in hand. That's when next doors dog
came into the garden, they played for a while then the fight broke out I split them up but during the
fight somebody bite me. Blood every where but my #A# training kicked and I ran round the garden in
circle screaming like a girl :LOL: Naw, naw I applied a tourniquet to stop the blood then give my self
4 or 5 stitches then applied a field dressing and continued washing.

Kinn ard'core :twisted:
So, wis it 4 or 5
For some reason Ah dinnae believe ye. :LOL:

Except for the girly bit.

If it's aw troo, by ra way, when I got bitten last year they didn't put stitches in, just tape and a dressing.
And a Tetanus jag tae. Aw thae feckin dug slavers, ye ken where it's tongue's been.
Its no the first time a've taken a bullet furr ma dug, there was this one time I even
had the Pollise & the forensic boys at ma hoose take photies of the wounds, they
got a prosecution oota that one.
RobMac":2flx51fb said:
applied a tourniquet to stop the blood then give my self
4 or 5 stitches then applied a field dressing and continued washing.

Kinn ard'core :twisted:

I'd like to think you unscrewed the top of bowie knife, took out the fishing gut and hook and used them to stitched it