Well, this build is now actually finished, and has already been out on its short maiden voyage. But as is always the case, it takes longer to update the thread than build the actual bike!
Which means I'm a little behind.
Anyway, I'll keep it brief before the final reveal...
Here's the little red-tone update I was previously discussing:
A little nod to the WTB Chris King version of the Grease Guard headset, of course.
You'll notice the Marin decal. My original idea had been either all white or all black decals, but I kept putting off ordering a set for some reason. Then an original headtube badge in black showed up on here one day, courtesy of @Matt2014 and that gave me a thought...
There's something really nice about a blank canvas; the classic stealth build. Especially with the forks "missing" the large Syncros logos on the legs, and given the theme of the build was a high-end, cleaned up version of something you might be lucky enough to find on Craigslist. So, for the time being at least, I've decided that the above badge will be the only decal on the frame.
This might be a controversial choice, I know. But one I like and am sticking with for now!
(I'm sure I'll get around to ordering full decal set from Gil eventually, just to have, but for the time being I'm going for this more incognito look!)
The cockpit is a slightly left field choice, too. And, once again, was chosen for the donor bike theme: a lovely mint ATAC showed up on eBay early on while figuring out this bike, and an NOS Hyperlite on Craigslist for cheap shortly thereafter. It was hard not to use those, and I actually really like how they look on the frame. The black/white combo of the stem is especially pleasing alongside the Powerlites.
As for the rest of the front end...
Original Paul Love Levers in black, to match the brake of choice (more on that particular nightmare to follow); Suntour XC Pro thumbies to go with the rest of the group, and my preferred grip: the Ritchey WCS in foam.
And one last component update before the final spec and finished photos arrive later in the week:
A tan suede Turbo, paired with a Kingsbery post. I'd been desperately searching for a nice American Classic in 27.0, but it was proving impossible to track down in that size. This Kingsbery version (basically the same thing) showed up one day, although not in the greatest shape. It had a matte anodized finish that was patchy, scratched and quite ratty, so it got a careful caustic bath, followed by some wet and dry and plenty of polish.
Turned out alright, I reckon!
The tan suede saddle was something I wanted early on, just to break up all of the silver/black on the rest of the build. The hardest part was deciding between a Turbo or Flite, but in the end I think the Turbo is the nicer choice, and a better match to the frame.
This was also the reason for wanting a few more earthy-red-golden tones, to hopefully stop it from sticking out like too much of a sore thumb!
I'll let the final photos reveal the others, and you lot judge whether it was successful in the end or not...
Regarding photos: all I do is point a new iPhone at the parts that look the nicest, but I'm glad they please!
My problem is, I take about 1000 of them! Then I have the miserable task of editing those down and choosing what to post on here. I should be more thorough and careful as I take them really. Save myself the headache later.
As for the weather: If it makes it any better (it won't) it was absolutely "freezing" over Christmas, and pissed it down for a over a week solid.
I know that would be a dream winter back home, but it is quite rare over here! ; )
I love the thorough description, thoughts, and musings....makes for an enjoyable read and journey with you. Great build, and really looking forward to pics of the complete build!
I do tend to ramble on, on here and in real life. And worry that no one wants to read all that nonsense, and would just prefer to just look at the photos!
And then I worry I post too many photos!
So it's nice to hear you appreciate it at least ; )
This thread is going to come in under half the length of my previous build, so I'm making progress, I think...
Although those that receive my daily work emails would beg to differ, I'm sure!
In my mid-life crisis, such that it is, building bikes and watching others do so is an enjoyable diversion. Don't know about others, but a wealth of photos, discussion, etc, is interesting to me. I get the sense that the rest of this crowd does indeed enjoy it. Isn't that why we're all here (because nobody else understands our obsession)?