1989 Rock Mountain Blizzard Slope

At long last I am finished the “granite” paint touch ups. Almost had to be in the right mood 😂 so it has been sitting waiting for this a few weeks now.

It took many, many hours but was well worth it, I think. The new vs original paint end result as with the stem photos shared are noticeable but as with the stem I’m satisfied. It’s great to have preserved this beautiful paint scheme

I decided to treat myself to a mini mock up to get an idea where this build is going. I love it! 😍

Note the handlebar swap to a Syncros unit. A newer than 89’ bar yes, but the older shim helps with the look. I definitely think the black Syncros shim bar suits much better then the brodie bulge bar previously planned

Now on to the much easier white front triangle, I may be able to apply the white base coat in my small furnace room during the winter but for sure the clear will need to wait for warmer temps in the spring and the garage can be used 👍

At long last Vancouver got a warm (above average) day today so I laid down four coats of SprayMax 2K (outdoors c/w respirator mask), I'm quite happy with the outcome, seems like I avoided runs and got a decently thick layer on.

Now (I'm posting this question in the general section as well). How many days or weeks should I wait before clamping down the front derailleur to avoid any sort of forcing of the paint/clearcoat out around the clamp? Probably the biggest concern with attempting to build it up.

It will be curing in my furnace room which will be at least 20 degrees C

Congrats on the refinish, did you find the 2K easier to use than normal cans?

I´d give it a few days to cure. To check if it´s hard enough I always do a fingernail scratch test on an inconspicous place. Ok hard to see with clearcoat, maybe with a flashlight? If it leaves traces, it´s not cured.

On a tangent: Last year I painted a fork (1K) which would not pass this test after 3 weeks. This was summer and I had enough. I took it with me while visiting the swimming pool and left it in the car on the dashboard for the day. After 8 hours baking it was hard as nails.
Congrats on the refinish, did you find the 2K easier to use than normal cans?

I´d give it a few days to cure. To check if it´s hard enough I always do a fingernail scratch test on an inconspicous place. Ok hard to see with clearcoat, maybe with a flashlight? If it leaves traces, it´s not cured.

On a tangent: Last year I painted a fork (1K) which would not pass this test after 3 weeks. This was summer and I had enough. I took it with me while visiting the swimming pool and left it in the car on the dashboard for the day. After 8 hours baking it was hard as nails.
Thanks, yes, I was quite impressed with it. I also became quite concerned with some of the toxicity warnings so worked out a way to set up outdoors but still suited & masked up of course. The clearcoat went on easy and I was able to lay down thick coats and did not get any runs. I waited roughly 15 minutes between coats.

I should clarify that my drying room is a boiler room rather than furnace room so fumes from curing are not being circulated in the house. I was surprised that there was no smell present this morning after drying over night. The finish is fully dry and feels hard as glass already. I'm sure this is due to the product being the automotive type higher grade clear with the activator feature.

Thanks for the scratch tip, I plan to wait at least one week but may wait longer for full assembly. Things like the FD clamp, seatpost QR and wheel QRs put a lot of pressure on the finish I'm sure.