1989 Rock Mountain Blizzard Slope

Bit of an update with some part swaps planned. The paint work I will take my time with. I have some plans and I need to test first to see if I can complete a close enough match for the granite bits.

In the meantime, new ODI grips, Suntour cassette, I had to round up an XT front wheel skewer also M735 pedals


A nice condition 92' Flite


Dia Compe SS-5 MK 2 levers (the CODA version) are a bit new for the build but much lighter than XT and mint, the grey lever blades will tie in nice I think


A couple Brodie bits, handlebar again a bit new but was a gift from a fellow RB'er, Brodie booster for front brake only :cool:

Those skewers combined weigh more than the frame. :eek::eek::eek:
I know it :LOL:

As a full fledged weight weenie I never used to use skewers but lately have decided to relax the concerns a bit and use them in spite of this.

Skewers just look cooler!

I love the basic old XT units from the M730 group, especially for this build, heavy but look the part and work better than most :cool:
Ha, I know what you mean. I´ve recently changed a full set of those for Hügi ones (not particularly ligthweight themselves) and was a bit perplexed how heavy the XT ones were in comparison. But ...they look so right!
The m730 skewers/QR were made w/ dark matter from outer space.
I know it :LOL:

As a full fledged weight weenie I never used to use skewers but lately have decided to relax the concerns a bit and use them in spite of this.

Skewers just look cooler!

I love the basic old XT units from the M730 group, especially for this build, heavy but look the part and work better than most :cool:
Can confirm: I had seatpost slippage after I changed the QR on one of my bikes. XT back on, problem gone. They may be portly but very effective.
Alright, see below my attempt to recreate the "impossible" to recreate RM granite paint scheme. Is it perfect? No, but I give it a pass, I'm satisfied.

A tough one for sure, I used all model paint (enamel) and a brush & toothpick. Started with a very dark midnight blue and when practicing quickly noticed that white for the speckle bits was wrong and they needed to be more light blue/grey. Also noticed, it's almost like Rocky's speckles are thinned down paint as well, not sure how to make that work.

The toothbrush method did not produce what I was after, perhaps with a different bristle it may have. What I settled on was individual dabs with a thin toothpick :LOL: , so took a bit of time.

I'm grad to get the most visible part out of the way, now on to the fork and stays. Eventually all will be cleared, potentially early next year if I have to wait for warmer weather. This time I'll be using the spendy SprayMax 2K stuff. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Couple other small updates, I decided against using a Flite and I'm going with an NOS Avocet R1 in white, think it will suit the build much better and it's something different from what I always go with.


I often polish cranks to a mirror finish. I do like this approach but lately have been wondering how to make thinks a bit more satin looking.

For the XT cranks I polished as usual but then followed up with a rub down using a 3M 3000 grit spongey pad. I like the result :cool:
