1989 Rock Mountain Blizzard Slope

Ya, was thinking about entering, thanks for the encouragement! Maybe I'll enter once the new tires arrive and take some updated photos, should be any day now 👍
Isn't next month a Canadian special, as opposed to this month, a regular one? Might want to use that information in your strategy. Would you get more votes versus an average field, or can it hold its own against a field of "special" entries?
Isn't next month a Canadian special, as opposed to this month, a regular one? Might want to use that information in your strategy. Would you get more votes versus an average field, or can it hold its own against a field of "special" entries?
I noticed that, some things to consider for sure 🤔
New tires came and they are in great shape 😍, my normal preferred mounting of tires is lining the logo up with the valve stem opposite the rim decal. I know others prefer the opposite approach. In this case Wolber kinda made up my mind for me when they stitched these tubulars together 😂. For my final glamour shots I've positioned the logos top centre and the values are, well, where they ended up. Not exactly in the same place for each tire 🤔

Here's the final shots before I enter April's BOTM!

Rocky Mountain Blizzard 02.webp
Rocky Mountain Blizzard 03.webp
Rocky Mountain Blizzard 04.webp
Rocky Mountain Blizzard 05.webp
Rocky Mountain Blizzard 06.webp
Rocky Mountain Blizzard 07.webp
Rocky Mountain Blizzard 08.webp