Is aluminium just noisy


98+ BoTM Winner

I have not owned aluminium frames for a very long time. But I have recently acquired a 98 Zaskar frame, which I've built up and am enjoying riding very much.  But I cannot for the life of me determine the source of the buzzing I get at speeds. It does not happen when pedalling or coasting at lower speeds, only when you reach a certain speed, a metallic shimmer/buzz can be heard. It isn't easy to deduce where it comes from, it sort of feels like it reverberates through the frame.

At first I assumed it was the freewheel, when I took it off I did notice it was a bit rough. I replaced it but it didn't do the trick.

I then checked all bolts on frame, bottle cage mounts etc. Everything fine there.

I've greased my post well, and even did the seatpost too while I remembered.

I've checked preload of headset, all nice and snug.

I've checked all the housing, made sure it doesn't rattle. I've tried holding unto shift cable to ensure it wasn't cable rattle.

I've checked that it all is nicely snug in terms of ferrules in cable stops.

I've tightened everything saddle related and given the rails a bit of lubricant.

I've checked hubs and they are perfectly buttery smooth, no off sounds when rotating them at the speed of light.

I have gone over the frame to no avail to look for cracks. It seems fine and rides fine with no clicks or creaks. It is just that blistered buzzing at higher speeds.

Is aluminium just a bit noisy? I can't remember.

I hope those nice white coats will put me to rest under that sterile bright light
And no it is not the bottom bracket (trust me I am a master of making those creak and clunk and I sniff it out faster than a junkie could light his spoon)

And no it is not the presta valve thread on doodad rattling.

Sounds very annoying. Given what you’ve already checked, sometimes it’s more obvious:
- Tyres? Tread buzzing on asphalt. Metallic object embedded.
- bottle cage? Especially if loaded

I would be double-checking for cracks too.
#notallaluminum My onespeed Hardrock is aluminum, it is silent as death. I was riding her geared version on the road and was passed by a fleet of carbon wonder bikes. That was a racket!
Could it be the wind whistling through your beard?