Is aluminium just noisy

You're right Novo, I think maybe the drum brakes don't add enough additional weight and I need to counter act more.

I've bought a B33


And I had some leftover PU expanding foam which I've sprayed down the seat tube and top and down tube to my best ability, it was hard to get it in to the seat stays so I just proceeded to squeeze toothpicks into the toothpick holder holes until I couldn't fit anymore.

It's still there. I hope the saddle will fix it. 🙏
I found the problem. Rattly canti boss.

You're all dismissed.

Until next time. c'est la vie

I hate when people come rushing a forum to ask for help when it's a simple fix and they just to stop for a moment.

obviously not in this case, but you know. :P

(it's normally "where can I get part X from?")