Bottle dynamo, worth persevering?

Lucifer, Lucy, Lux, Aurora, Vesta, Candel, Lumen : loads of ways to get light!

If I were to invent a constant light device for transport, it would be the …… GoFyr! ™️

(unAvailable at all good stockists) 🙃
Does anyone have experience of the velogical dynamo that runs on the rim?
This man did extensive research:

But I think it tells us more about the inside of his mind than the comparative benefits of dynamo systems. 🤔

He didn't test it in the rain, which is when friction driven dynamos fail.

Any misalignment (or bearing wear) will wear the rubber band fast - I imagine you'd need a rim braking surface too.

But if you need power only now and then or in an emergency, it will be lighter, no additional Friction, and doesn't need a specific wheel.

A bit like a battery light😉
I used to swear by the Sanyos with halogen bulbs. Used to be able to engage it on the go by knocking the lever with my left foot. Only time I had one slip was climbing Mortal Ash Hill out of Scunthorpe at 10pm on a Sunday night in a blizzard with a couple of inches of snow on the road. I'm pretty certain that there's still one on a bike in my parent's garage.
I took a look yesterday, yes, there's a Sanyo on one of the bikes, fitted with a decent diameter Union front light rather than the tiny tear-drop thing originally supplied with the dynamo. Surprisingly - as neither it or the bike have been used in at least 20 years - it's not seized solid. When I get around to stripping down the bike I'll see if it still works.
The original Lucifer dynamo with innertube around the wheel worked pretty well on a social ride tonight.

It did require a helping hand pushing it into the tyre to get it grippign and running once or twice and I found holding a gloved finger against the wheel as I pushed it into the tyre helped to dry it out and improved grip. Then the bit of innertube must have worked it's way up and off the wheel so finished up the ride with just the rather wornm metal wheel on the tyre but it went alright.

New(er) Lucifer dynamo with the plastic/rubber cap due to be delivered tomorrow so will swap that one in for commuting to work this weekend.