Bottle dynamo, worth persevering?

Lucifer, Lucy, Lux, Aurora, Vesta, Candel, Lumen : loads of ways to get light!

If I were to invent a constant light device for transport, it would be the …… GoFyr! ™️

(unAvailable at all good stockists) 🙃
Does anyone have experience of the velogical dynamo that runs on the rim?
This man did extensive research:

But I think it tells us more about the inside of his mind than the comparative benefits of dynamo systems. 🤔

He didn't test it in the rain, which is when friction driven dynamos fail.

Any misalignment (or bearing wear) will wear the rubber band fast - I imagine you'd need a rim braking surface too.

But if you need power only now and then or in an emergency, it will be lighter, no additional Friction, and doesn't need a specific wheel.

A bit like a battery light😉
I used to swear by the Sanyos with halogen bulbs. Used to be able to engage it on the go by knocking the lever with my left foot. Only time I had one slip was climbing Mortal Ash Hill out of Scunthorpe at 10pm on a Sunday night in a blizzard with a couple of inches of snow on the road. I'm pretty certain that there's still one on a bike in my parent's garage.
I took a look yesterday, yes, there's a Sanyo on one of the bikes, fitted with a decent diameter Union front light rather than the tiny tear-drop thing originally supplied with the dynamo. Surprisingly - as neither it or the bike have been used in at least 20 years - it's not seized solid. When I get around to stripping down the bike I'll see if it still works.