i just wanted ask . . . is it me? or . . .

@KermitGKona88 i have a descriptive way when it comes to insults! i was still pretty miffed when i got to VW, i described the guy who hit me as a "knuckle dragging waste of a shag", there were about 10 staff in earshot, all cracked up. i wasn't seeing the humour at that point.
A friend recently bought a used car from one of these car supermarket places and wasn't sure it sounded right, so sought my advice.

They took me for a spin and something wasn't right with the front suspension which was, I told them, "knocking like Jimmy Savile on an orphanage door." Not exactly PC, but it got my point across.
people, i'm at the point where i don't want to meet new people, in fact i want to see less people in general.

i'm sort of sick of the human race, don't get me wrong, i'm not a nutter, i'm not depressed or anything, i'm just tired of other peoples crap, of dealing with their crap, the unimportant idiosyncrasies of their daily lives, just being around people irritates me these days, it's not people i know, it's people i don't know that are the issue . . .

for example, i have just driven to Southampton, had to go get a few things, was heading to John Lewis, i parked my van, walked towards West quay, the shopping centre for those that don't know, initially the route was fine and uneventful, as i got closer though, walking through clouds of vape exhalation and smokers, i find that pretty awful to be honest, especially the stale smoke smell, but then you're amongst the great unwashed, it's about a 50/50 ratio of people looking/not looking at their phones, but it seems 100% are paying no attention whatsoever as to what direction they are going in, so you end up in this situation where you look for a route through them based on which way they are meandering, so you can't walk directly in the direction you want to go in, also people walk out of the smaller shops at the sides and just stop, which is like putting a big bolder in to a river, everyone then has to go around, stay to the sides you numpties!! and the deliveroo numpties on twist and go botched ebikes riding on the road/pavement in and out of people in a rush, annoying people in the establishments trying to get ahead in the queue of the people that actually went to the restaurant in person rather than being a lazy git and ordering it.

also, i love going to the cinema but these days i check listings online, to see how many seats are booked, and i'll then wait until 30 mins before the show starts, check again, still only 10 people, yeah that's a low enough number i'll go, then buy a ticket in person, only if i can get a seat far enough away from anyone else. my common movie show time is about 10 to 11pm on a wednesday night to avoid the people.

now i get that i'm getting to be an old bugger, i'm 47 now, i realise that with age grumpiness can set in, but i don't actually think it's that, i have always been happy in my own company, maybe a bit introverted, and i have a good groups of friends although most are married and have busy lives, especially the ones with kids.

so is it me? am i the issue? have i become less tolerant? or have i retreated because i don't like what i see anymore?

genuine question, is it me? am i the only one that thinks like this?

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and i'm at the point where if i am ever lucky enough to win the lottery, this house would be my first purchase
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Sounds like you took the wrong turning, head west and chat to the Ponies about coping with this crazy modern world for a few hours then step back in.

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What can I say guys? The more I see of people, the more I like my dog.........

I'm an introvert in a teaching role. Sometimes I perform very well but it leaves me exhausted. Sometimes I fail miserably. It probably depends on who I'm working with.......
Progress... It isn't always an improvement 3203403780_d2878c0c82_b.webp
More idiots than ever before. They're not going anywhere, so you'd better learn to laugh at them or you'll go crazy. It's the only sane response to an insane world
i have nightmare neighbours who moved in sept 11th last year and i just wish they would vanish off the face of the earth tbh.

i am not a people person i have to add

hopefully though they will finally be gone come march 28th (not through lack of trying up to this point the law is a joke tbh).

i must add i don't think everyone is a bad person there are some fantastic people also :)