When is duty paid ?


Just came home to a letter from Parcelforce extorting £38 out of me. What the f**k for??? And this is just parcel one of two. The second is stuck in customs so I can expect the same with that I guess.

So you buy a second hand bike for £300 from the states, and the UK government expects you to give them £75 for what??? Is it not enough that they bend me over everytime I get paid, fill my car up, buy anything at all etc etc.

Where are those emigration forms????? Tossers!

Sorry for the rant but it REALLY annoys me this.
stavros222":1a5tp367 said:

Just came home to a letter from Parcelforce extorting £38 out of me. What the f**k for??? And this is just parcel one of two. The second is stuck in customs so I can expect the same with that I guess.

So you buy a second hand bike for £300 from the states, and the UK government expects you to give them £75 for what??? Is it not enough that they bend me over everytime I get paid, fill my car up, buy anything at all etc etc.

Where are those emigration forms????? Tossers!

Sorry for the rant but it REALLY annoys me this.

just how i feel about it all, if it was new then fair play(ish) but to tax you for something second hand !!! WTF
a mate of mine went out to canada with his bike, he took over a cheap second hand bike £25 ?? and then bought a santa cruz, had orderd it and spoke to the shop owner about the build and everything. rode it for the two weeks in whistler and bought it home, didnt cost him a penny, and he even sold the second hand bike for $20 result. this was about 5 years ago now so things might have changed????
stavros222":3c9om5vj said:

Just came home to a letter from Parcelforce extorting £38 out of me. What the f**k for??? And this is just parcel one of two. The second is stuck in customs so I can expect the same with that I guess.

So you buy a second hand bike for £300 from the states, and the UK government expects you to give them £75 for what??? Is it not enough that they bend me over everytime I get paid, fill my car up, buy anything at all etc etc.

Where are those emigration forms????? Tossers!

Sorry for the rant but it REALLY annoys me this.

Its a crock of shite fella...thought you might get that letter as I mentioned :evil:
Sorry to see you did. It really is a lottery...whether you get charged and how much you get charged...any equations/theories here are really worthless...buy from the states or outside the EC and you take a gamble...thats the ONLY cast iron fact.
i dont think the estimates of what to expect on top of puchase price and shipping are worthless. they give a good guidline what may happen and should be the base case if considering buying outside the EU. if the parcel slips through great but i wouldnt expect it.

75 on a 300 purchase is perfectly inline with the rule of thumb to expect 25% on purchase price plus shipping which is almost common knowledge here and documented in many threads.

not saying that it is justified to tax used items but that's the way it is since longer than this forum exists.

Carsten":33633ndk said:
i dont think the estimates of what to expect on top of puchase price and shipping are worthless. they give a good guidline what may happen and should be the base case if considering buying outside the EU. if the parcel slips through great but i wouldnt expect it.

75 on a 300 purchase is perfectly inline with the rule of thumb to expect 25% on purchase price plus shipping which is almost common knowledge here and documented in many threads.

not saying that it is justified to tax used items but that's the way it is since longer than this forum exists.


You are probably right Carsten in fairness, but there certainly is an inequity in the whole process.
Harryburgundy":2y2bfur2 said:
Carsten":2y2bfur2 said:
i dont think the estimates of what to expect on top of puchase price and shipping are worthless. they give a good guidline what may happen and should be the base case if considering buying outside the EU. if the parcel slips through great but i wouldnt expect it.

75 on a 300 purchase is perfectly inline with the rule of thumb to expect 25% on purchase price plus shipping which is almost common knowledge here and documented in many threads.

not saying that it is justified to tax used items but that's the way it is since longer than this forum exists.


You are probably right Carsten in fairness, but there certainly is an inequity in the whole process.

i fully agree. the taxes and fees i have paid when i still lived in europe probably would have bought me a nice Klein Adroit.... all i wanted to say is that it surprises me that some are still surprised when i happens.

There should not be any % of value charged on goods perchased from the US if it comes from a private seller as thy are not registerd for tax so no import duty is to be paid.If from a shop etc it has to be paid . I was in shipping for years and had to deal with import duties all around the world and if i remember correctly you can claim import duties back from private sellers but don,t quote me on that as i.ve been out of shipping for a while now.
If you feel that you have been charged an incorrect rate of import duty you can appeal against this.
I imported a Kona Explosif frame from the USA and was charged the import duty applicable to a complete bike, not a frame. I lodged an appeal and after about a month did get a refund of about £35.

Obviously the lower the rate of import duty you pay then the less VAT you pay, as this is calculated on the total value (including shipping charges).

A phone call to C&E will enable you to at least check that the amount that you have been charged is correct for the imported goods and based on this you might be able to get a reduction.
I'm not saying that it's "morally" right or anything but it's no secret that import duty /VAT is chargeable, so it's best to think yourself lucky if you don't get landed with it.

It's not only Britain that this happens of course - try importing a 10 year old car into Greece and see how much duty and VAT you end up paying.. :cry: Now that really is something to cry about.