Violent Assault leaves my Retro bike DEAD... what next ?

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Sorry to hear you happened across a couple of ignorant phsyco's.Hope you heal up well and your new bike build is a good'n.

I didn't read as racist either, let's hope we don't fall prey to politically correct craziness on here.
Sheriff":18a26tas said:
The compensation is only sorted once the investigation is completed, and any court case etc is concluded. If the Officers haven't taken photos (sometimes depends on injuries) then take some.
Ring up and talk to the CIC people as they know way more about the process than I do!

What ever you do don't go looking around for the people/offenders. Let the Officers do what they need to do, as potentially you could hamper any court case in the future.


Pics taken of injuries by my good lady wife, although tey realy dont look to bad, i managed to get away with a split upper lip (mainly split inside my mouth) a swollen left ear, bruised Jaw, and bruised & trainer marked knee & legs from being Donkey Kicked ! like i said i dont regards them as looking that bad.

I'll give up on being a "special constable2 and searching for them myself then.

Cheers Again.

thats horrific, glad that your ok and you can get a payout.

with regards to the i.d. statement, its absolutly not racist, its just a description. It gives us a better idea of the events he recall's.
Harryburgundy":1cfn2zsq said:
If you live in London its very likely to be a

"Big Very dark african ish looking male..."

or his foul-mouthed thick betch.

Get over it Boy-burning...its not racist..its fact.

Yes, because there are absolutely no white violent people in London.. it's a fact.

(Well, actually, that was irony. But you know what I mean. And anyone who wants to can beat on Harry - I won't mind at all.)

I'm still puzzled by how any pair of glasses can be worth £700. Otoh, the glasses I got on the net (at "Glasses Direct" - recommended, although the complementary eyeball shaped gob stopper was disgusting) were £25 and rather nicer than the ones that had cost me £150 at Specsavers - better looking and better machined. So I suppose the ones that be about £100 on the Net would be around £700 at your local high street rip-off artist...
BoyBurning":hwwo2jvl said:
Sorry to hear of your troubles, but what relevance does this have in the scheme of things?

"Big Very dark african ish looking male..."

Unless you're giving us the description you provided to the police...?

You reply to his post basically intimating that he's a racist after he gets quite badly beaten up. You would go far working in a local london council.
that is truly shocking.

it might be an idea to speak to someone at the insurance company who is a little higher up just to make sure they appreciate this is a lot more than "an old bike".
PurpleFrog":yxxovdd8 said:
Harryburgundy":yxxovdd8 said:
If you live in London its very likely to be a

"Big Very dark african ish looking male..."

or his foul-mouthed thick betch.

Get over it Boy-burning...its not racist..its fact.

Yes, because there are absolutely no violent people in London.. it's a fact.

(Well, actually, that was irony. But you know what I mean. And anyone who wants to can beat on Harry - I won't mind at all.)

I'm still puzzled by how any pair of glasses can be worth £700. Otoh, the glasses I got on the net (at "Glasses Direct" - recommended, although the complementary eyeball shaped gob stopper was disgusting) were £25 and rather nicer than the ones that had cost me £150 at Specsavers - better looking and better machined. So I suppose the ones that be about £100 on the Net would be around £700 at your local high street rip-off artist...

£700 Glasses Let me explain, not that i really need to explain my personal preference for nice things to you !

Tag-Heuer: they make exclusive & expensive watches that are bought from exclusive shops in the main, with GREAT customer service...Yes?

Well guess what they also make Exclusive & Expensive Spectacles, that ARE MOST DEFINATLY NOT anything like the overpriced in house made & branded spectacles that 'specsavers' and co sell.

I wear my spectacles ALL day EVERYDAY, and like to have nice spectacles, with very thin & very light lenses.

Hight quality products and Great service costs. SIMPLE. :x

THINK OF IT IN TERMS OF A BIKE IF YOU LIKE.... you could buy a £200.00 aluminium Carrera from Halfords (adequate i'm sure, and will do the job) or you COULD spend a fortune on something you WANT at a local bike shop that you give your custom to.....

As The Meercat says...


Should have grabbed him by the bollocks and crippled the fu**er
Hold on tight and squeeze with all your might
adi-66":334zen4m said:
I only ask as the PC's that interviewed me seemed to have an idea of who it was that atacked me, and they even muttered some names to each other, and mentioned a approx area where they think the Woman worked.... I've not plucked up the courage to go have a look yet thought, and even when i do i'm not so sure it would be a wise idea :roll:

Thanks Again, here's hoping...

Don't do that it will harm your case, leave it with the police and just continue chasing for insurance. Did the police take photographs of your injuries, they should have. Try and get a doctor's report too from the hospital. It all builds the case up against them. The police will do their job, leave them to it.
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