Tottenham riots

Regardless of my feelings about how hard they should be coming down on these louts, I am one hundred percent convinced this is the natural outcome of Capitalism being the dominant influence on society, rather than the state itself.
highlandsflyer":2ex94grq said:
What I find hilarious are the social media junkies on the one hand claiming to be behind a 'clean up' movement/campaign, yet denying any accountability for making the lootings so easy to organise.

Where are the statements of condemnation from Twitter, FB and all? Why are they not vigorously weeding out the users participating in all of this, banning them and suspending accounts associated with any of it?

Why are Blackberry not suspending their encrypted service for a few days?

Blackberry have suspended their service, they are also saying that they are cooperating with the police to go through the sent i expect some people are going to get an early morning knock.

I agree that the social media lot should take more responsibility, encitement to riot? i'm sure mr zuckerberg and co, can afford to rebuild most of london.
Batoning down the hatches in Romford (apparently) and Ipswich is on alert too...

How long before they start shooting these mofo's??
With all due respect I think the difference between a protest and a riot is clear. I don't accept the argument of damned if you damned if you don't. A yoof smashing a shop window, throwing a brick, lighting a fire then use the baton. A guy walking home from work not causing any harm, leave alone.

I got kettled once when I lived in Manchester. We were out shopping, there was a protest on the way home and all of a sudden we were trapped by police for hours, I was fuming, I can undertand the sentiments of peaceful protesters who get kettled, it is just false imprisonment and pisses people off.

I don't envy the work that you guys have to do, I know it is a minefield of procedures and paperwork, I really would want officers to have a free hand.
highlandsflyer":2qrvsyeu said:
Regardless of my feelings about how hard they should be coming down on these louts, I am one hundred percent convinced this is the natural outcome of Capitalism being the dominant influence on society, rather than the state itself.

It is the natural result of people being led to expect something for nothing, that the state will provide, and if they want a little more, then they can just tak,e it with impunity. They have their rights, and they know them . No-one, not teachers, not the police, nor anyone else , is allowed to tell them right from wrong, and their parents, if present, do not know, or do not care about, it themselves.
Everyone knows their rights, the rights the state has given them, but no-one has any responsibilities; the state has removed them.
In every area of life, the nanny state has taken away the need for personal responsibility, and once again it's the hard working (capitalist?) majority who suffer.
Gadro - very well written.

Who gives a sh1t is some berk got shot by the police, they are the least trigger happy of most of the worlds forces so he probably did something to deserve it - live by the sword die by the sword - tit :roll:

As for the rest of them, they are probably exercising some right or other that they have been convinced by the looney left and human rights wallers that they are entitled to, or maybe they are just thugs/scum/animals/thick inbred tosspots...... yeah maybe they are just that and using the protection of this nanny state as a excuse.

I feel sorry for the police, if they give one of them a kicking (which they must want to) and it gets on youtube then there'll be another 1000 idiots out on the streets exercising their 'right' to be a twat.

Unfortunately for these muppets GCHQ is probably tracking every text/instant message/post on BeBo etc and they'll be rounded up like dogs, the sad bit is they'll get a suspended sentence and a fine they can easily pay back on their benefits rather than be shot/imprisoned in solitary confinement with no Sky TV/committed to forced labour etc that would be much more satisfactory (and cost effective) for me the tax payer - who will ultimately pick up the tab.
suburbanreuben":xxbdba09 said:
highlandsflyer":xxbdba09 said:
Regardless of my feelings about how hard they should be coming down on these louts, I am one hundred percent convinced this is the natural outcome of Capitalism being the dominant influence on society, rather than the state itself.

It is the natural result of people being led to expect something for nothing, that the state will provide, and if they want a little more, then they can just tak,e it with impunity. They have their rights, and they know them . No-one, not teachers, not the police, nor anyone else , is allowed to tell them right from wrong, and their parents, if present, do not know, or do not care about, it themselves.
Everyone knows their rights, the rights the state has given them, but no-one has any responsibilities; the state has removed them.
In every area of life, the nanny state has taken away the need for personal responsibility, and once again it's the hard working (capitalist?) majority who suffer.

I tend to agree with a lot of that.

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