Tottenham riots

London has been in the news a few times this week, but the footage I saw today was mindblowing. It's tragic that such things are possible in the EU. To see people act so irresponsible and so immoral makes me a bit cynical about the human race and it's future.
Maybe this is what you get when kids grow up without proper education and parenting. Parents nowadays expect the school to teach their kids the difference between right and wrong. These kids, often from low income households, grow up in a world that teaches them nothing but selfishness, harshness, disrespect and immoral behaviour. These kids have no ideals, nothing to stand for except for their own selfish interests. They grow up in a world where mobsters are praised an cops are the bad guys. Their role models are gangsters. I think it reflects very much in pop music. Popular music used to be about happy times, love, heartbreak and often politics. Today it's about attitude, revenge, hate, money and sex. Money took the heart out of everything. These riots to me seem the result of a generation of kids with a lifestyle obsession, without any ideals and only interests, living in a materialistisc world thinking they're the next Tony Montana. You see that over here too...
Yes, we need more action from the police. Yes, we must allow them to do their job instead of questioning every little detail. Yes, we need a justice system that does justice, one that sends criminals to jail for a sufficient amount of time. We also need better education for these kids, and also better parenting. But first things first, someone lock these looting bastards up asap!
jonnyboy666":1klec6hh said:
@ Chiswick

thats another problem though isn't it, the wrong people in this country are having kids.

my workmate's step daughter just popped out a sprog at 17, the father is 19 and comes from a family that have never worked and have no intention of working, this lad got a job because my mate said "support your kid" several times over, a friend of mine at a bike shop took him on but then binned him after 3 months because he was untrainable and useless, what kind of an influence is this type of person going to be to his kid?

the way i see it is the feckless are breeding too much and the good law abiding decent people are now thinking "why would i want to bring up a kid in this world?" and deciding against it.

the future is not bright, i don't need shades.

ever seen the movie idiocracy ? :LOL:
Bram J, why are you in Vosselaar? With a post like that you should be in Brussels teaching those stupid politicians that have got us in this mess a thing or two about common sense.
A very well thought out post indeed sir.
1duck":2zwwfrp0 said:
legrandefromage":2zwwfrp0 said:
so much pointless destruction... even Brum

I'm disgusted by the whole thing - its not even related to the original incident, just an excuse.

i'm amazed it hasn't kicked off in bradford, if this is about deprevation then its a prime place for it.

Infact most of the north is far more deprived than london, if this was about deprivation most of newcastle would be on fire every weekend (liverpool would look like mordor)

I suggest we should move the riots north...we can start at old trafford and contain it just in the stadium. Early bonfire night.

Think it needs to be Elland Road first, where I once watched a steward punch a 50 year old woman in the face.
velomaniac":3u8acxei said:
In the past in Northern Ireland if the locals had a wee argy bargy the army appeared with armoured vehicles, baton rounds and tear gas. On mainland UK its up to the police with way less equipment, double standards it seems to me. Bring over some of the Ulster Constabulary and lets see how long the rioters wish to keep up their antics ;)

nevadasmith":1o5hwccx said:
Gadro - very well written.

I feel sorry for the police, if they give one of them a kicking (which they must want to) and it gets on youtube then there'll be another 1000 idiots out on the streets exercising their 'right' to be a tw*t.

Oh you remember the days when people respected the Police. Not just the Police mind I'm talking Paramedics, Firemen, Teachers and even Bus Conductors. Many areas Firefighters now routinely need a police escort on every November the 5th for fear of being attacked by persons of a very high intellect (sarcasm by the way). This is the state of our country.

I harken back to the days of Dixon of Dock Green. We look back through rose tinted lenses at such times but the underlying factor was, if you stopped and asked PC Dixon the time he'd greet you with a 'Good Morning Sir / Madam it's half past ten on this fine morning.' If however you shouted at PC Dixon 'Oi Pig you f*cking twat!' you'd have a slap. You wouldn't do it again. Good or bad thing? Hmmmm still thinking about it but knowing I'd get a slap would stop me from doing it in the first place. Bit of a circle really, it would stop it from happening in the first place. So firstly I wouldn't swear at the Constable and secondly I wouldn't be assaulted by him. The fear of having that 'slap' has gone so the circle was broken. Now if I replace 'slap' with PUNISHMENT OF A SEVERITY TO PROVIDE A DETERRENT RELEVANT TO THE OFFENCE perhaps the circle can be reinstated.

Respect and morals are imprinted on us from an early age. We inevitably inherit our parents. Society has been morally declining for a number of years so inevitably we reap what we sow.
jonnyboy666":vlcgqvm2 said:
the way i see it is the feckless are breeding too much and the good law abiding decent people are now thinking "why would i want to bring up a kid in this world?" and deciding against it.

the future is not bright, i don't need shades.

I agree completely I've held off having even a single child, because

A) i can't get a stable job with a decent enough wage to support a child to the standard that I think a child would deserve.

B) I wouldn't really want to bring a child into this shit that i'm living in the midst of

Whilst nearly everyone i grew up with from the council estate has at least two children, but in fairness a few of them have got jobs and it has helped them grow up realising their new responsibility and they are really hard working.

Most of them though are still the same layabouts they always were...spending most of their cash on cannabis and beer then wondering why they can't afford nappies or baby milk, if they spent half as much time working as they do trying to fiddle the benefits system they would all be millionaires.

Although I do understand how hard it is to find work at the moment, I know a fair few who would refuse to do most jobs that they are qualified for because they would consider it not good enough.

The worst example though was the guy i met at uni who was also a ketamine dealer, but who never made any money because he snorted more than he sold.

He had a kid with a girl 3 years his junior...making her 15 at the time, this was disclosed to me whilst he was hammered in a bar the night before his daughters birthday. He spent the night saying how he had forgotten to buy her a present...but yet he spent the last of his student loan on that night out, rather than doing something about it. He also opened multiple student bank accounts and maxed them all just to maintain his drug fuelled lifestyle.

Strangely enough he dropped out at the end of the first year and vanished, only to reappear in the street one day saying he was now studying drama at the local college.

With people like that it any wonder that society is fecked?
azaro":1jthae73 said:
1duck":1jthae73 said:
legrandefromage":1jthae73 said:
so much pointless destruction... even Brum

I'm disgusted by the whole thing - its not even related to the original incident, just an excuse.

i'm amazed it hasn't kicked off in bradford, if this is about deprevation then its a prime place for it.

Infact most of the north is far more deprived than london, if this was about deprivation most of newcastle would be on fire every weekend (liverpool would look like mordor)

I suggest we should move the riots north...we can start at old trafford and contain it just in the stadium. Early bonfire night.

Think it needs to be Elland Road first, where I once watched a steward punch a 50 year old woman in the face.

well leeds are losing 1-0 to bradford so you might well have your wish.