Tottenham riots

Vigilante? Police dog? paramedic?

anyway good luck sir, i hope that you have a quiet night! (preferably on overtime pay)
What I find hilarious are the social media junkies on the one hand claiming to be behind a 'clean up' movement/campaign, yet denying any accountability for making the lootings so easy to organise.

Where are the statements of condemnation from Twitter, FB and all? Why are they not vigorously weeding out the users participating in all of this, banning them and suspending accounts associated with any of it?

Why are Blackberry not suspending their encrypted service for a few days?
This is what the nanny state has created. A jobless, no morales, no aspirations sub culture. Individuals with no respect for persons or property or even themselves. No fear of the Criminal Justice system. How can you fear a system that doesn't have at it's heart PUNISHMENT

Police that are restricted by Legislation and a Politicised Senior Management Rank (ACPO - they are spineless group of career obsessed selfish government fawning nobs) All I hear is 'We are speaking to the community', 'We are in touch with Community Leaders', blah, blah. We'll thats just great Assistant Chief Constable Curruthers but do you mind standing behind this shield for a while as they seem to be lobbing petrol bombs our way. 20% Cuts to Policing are being implemented and this bunch of tossers are saying 'Times will be tough but it will have no impact on frontline policing.' Spineless. Lions led by lambs springs to mind. Just look at the fuss the Armed Services Chiefs of Staffs are saying that the cuts will have on their services. ACPO, blah, blah, yes Sir, yes Home Secretary

But have sympathy for those Officers on the frontline. Stood behind the shields. Having abuse, bottles and excrement (yes shit) thrown at them. Being subject to criticism for not doing anything yet being scrutinised in detail when they act. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Police Officers are becoming more and more ostracised by society. Subjected to criticism from Governmental induced media spin. Criticised from being too heavy handed and/or lenient.

We don't have Police Forces in this Country any more we have Police Services and that says a lot. It says a lot of the state of our Society when Police Officers are lying to their children about what they do for a living. Some are pretending to be Security Guards in fear that their children may receive reprisals for what their Mam or Dad's jobs are.

I hear people calling for the Army to be deployed on the streets. Nonsense. They will NOT be able to go round bashing people. They are subject to the same laws as everyone else, which the Police are also subject to themselves. If they assault someone in their duties without justification and the amount of force is not proportionate or legal then the squaddie is right up a creek without a paddle.

20% Cuts to Policing are being implemented. This Country is in meltdown. Just only a few weeks ago Ken Clarke stated that he didn't want to send as many people to prison. Our prisons are overflowing (we have the highest prison population per % or population in Europe!). Our inner cities are like war zones every Friday and Saturday night. Yob culture has become endemic within the UK and there will not be any quick fix solutions.

I have no doubt that this violence will fizzle out but wait until the Autumn and the Industrial action begins.

To all the Officers on the streets tonight - Be Safe

To all the members of the UK's Law Abiding Public let me quote you a few lines from the past

"The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it" Sir Robert Peel

"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm" - George Orwell
And just to add

To those Liberal Namby Pamby Human Rights moaners and groaners. You've got the Police Service you wanted and deserve.

Gadro":3bp0b7qa said:
And just to add

To those Liberal Namby Pamby Human Rights moaners and groaners. You've got the Police Service you wanted and deserve.


Agreed, apparently they are tearing manchester apart now.

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