Tottenham riots

Scotland Yard have said that they haven't ruled out the use of plastic bullets. That was immediately followed by some bleeding-heart academic on BBC News 24 who claimed that "Increased militarisation isn't the answer, the youths who are stealing are the real victims because they're only hurting their own community, and the riots are occurring because of society's systematic marginalisation of youth..."

I sat and listened with my chin resting on the carpet.

Nigel Farage thinks we should call in the Army.
And to think.... these thugs have the human right to reproduce. I truly fear for the future of planet Earth. Seriously where is the madness going to end? My wife and I married three years ago and the obvious question asked by friends/family is when are you going to have kids? To this I answer..... right now I'm scared and I would feel irressponsible to bring a helpless child in to a world which closely mirrors GTA.

I am truely heartbroken seeing what these rodents are doing and getting away with :cry:
@ Chiswick

thats another problem though isn't it, the wrong people in this country are having kids.

my workmate's step daughter just popped out a sprog at 17, the father is 19 and comes from a family that have never worked and have no intention of working, this lad got a job because my mate said "support your kid" several times over, a friend of mine at a bike shop took him on but then binned him after 3 months because he was untrainable and useless, what kind of an influence is this type of person going to be to his kid?

the way i see it is the feckless are breeding too much and the good law abiding decent people are now thinking "why would i want to bring up a kid in this world?" and deciding against it.

the future is not bright, i don't need shades.
JohnH":1jcy3ajf said:
Scotland Yard have said that they haven't ruled out the use of plastic bullets. That was immediately followed by some bleeding-heart academic on BBC News 24 who claimed that "Increased militarisation isn't the answer, the youths who are stealing are the real victims because they're only hurting their own community, and the riots are occurring because of society's systematic marginalisation of youth..."

I sat and listened with my chin resting on the carpet.

Nigel Farage thinks we should call in the Army.

And that is the typical wishy-washy, liberal, Guardian-esque wank that has driven this country onto the rocks. It has sod all to do with marginalization; it is lazy feckless youth getting away with murder again because they know no better. These people should be shot with real bullets and the survivors castrated and sent to a place far far away from decent law abiding people.

Come on Cameron, take a leaf out of Maggies book, grow some balls and stamp on these bastards!

Never mind Nigel. Dr S says bring in the army.
Insurers will payout to customers, if the cause is deemed to be civil unrest or riot the costs will be claimed back from government.

You and I folks stump up yet again.
Scared? Maybe a little.

In the course of my working life I have run the gauntlet of bombings from the IRA and supposed Islamists, as well as the usual bunch of criminals and nutters.
I even drove a van once down the Falls Road with a London telephone number on the side in letters 5' high! But this goes off the scale of acceptability.
I am worried that now the mobs have seen how little control the police can exert on them, they will be little left to control them. Couple this with the ability to organise quickly via the net....
at least one good thing has come out of it all, the footballs off :LOL: imagine the countries shame if we lost.........again :oops:
Give them all short back and sides, put them in the army, stop them breeding, put bromide in their tea......... :LOL: ..........I think a modern answer to a modern problem might help ! SHOOT LOOTERS ON SIGHT :twisted:
Dr S":23yf7bk4 said:
These people should be shot with real bullets and the survivors castrated and sent to a place far far away from decent law abiding people.

Come on Cameron, take a leaf out of Maggies book, grow some balls and stamp on these bastards!

Never mind Nigel. Dr S says bring in the army.
Dr S, you have my vote. :)

PurleySquire":23yf7bk4 said:
I am worried that now the mobs have seen how little control the police can exert on them, they will be little left to control them. Couple this with the ability to organise quickly via the net....
Yes, it's truly terrifying isn't it?

Perhaps we'll see an exodus of decent people leaving London and relocating to quieter parts of the south-east...

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