Tottenham riots

Wu-Tangled":vgi2qdis said:
They never had control to loose.
And now that the vermin who are burning and looting have realised that, do we honestly believe that this is the last time that this will happen???

Wu-Tangled":vgi2qdis said:
One word on everyone's lips.

As I was watching the film this morning of young men standing within arm's reach of riot officers and taunting them, while the officers just stood there doing nothing, I asked myself one question: "Where are the Paras?"

sgw":vgi2qdis said:
"A riot is the language of the unheard."

Martin Luther King
"Democracy destroys itself because it abuses its right to freedom and equality. Because it teaches its citizens to consider audacity as a right, lawlessness as a freedom, abrasive speech as equality, and anarchy as progress."
– Isocrates

I'm curious sgw: just how selfish, vile and despicable does somebody have to behave before you stop making excuses for them?
Just to add to what John has said. It's not a riot, that is plainly obvious from the live TV pictures, it is co-ordinated arson to remove the police from areas so that looting and theft can take place.

JohnHI'm curious sgw: just how selfish said:
Agree JohnH

It seems when it's their house or shop they are burning down. Until then it's lame excuses of a unheard youth. :twisted:

School holidays were never like this BIMD
I'd have loved to see a man try do what that woman did, if she hadn't been female, old and with a walking stick i honestly think she would have got jumped.

Seeing the other video of the scumbags robbing the young boys rucksack after helping him up i have lost all faith in humanity.
tintin40":114xflt1 said:
School holidays were never like this BIMD
No they weren't Tony, but that's because we obeyed our teachers, respected the police and feared our parents.

Discipline seems to have gone out of the window, so I just hope that some serious reforms are implemented as a result of this anarchy.
The Ken":25a0psss said:
.... and just to prove a point race isn't a factor in these riots...

That's multi ethnic britain at its finest, every race catered for all getting together to mug some poor sod who is bleeding on the floor.

The guy bouncing off with the contents of the rucksack thinks he is a badass i'd love to see him just stroll into a police truncheon but that won't happen.
Ill add my 2p's worth......I remember the Toxteth riots, went down with a mate from Liverpool the day after it kicked off, frightening to see JCB's had been used by rioters to dig up roads etc........sad to say i 'witnessed' some 'mini' riots where i lived at the time, setting things on fire smashing things up i was part of the local youths then I really feel that when we look up ' the ladder' of personal aquisition ie better job (a job) get a house , pension etc and see it ALL out of our future grasp......we think FXXK it well just get this frustration out and take stuff if we want it. The news is all doom and gloom and this country keeps wasting money on wars abroad or giving it away to other countries, then accuses it's own people of being wasteful with credit, or food..........

I really belive 'the shooting' is just a trigger for social unrest that has been building up and up and general unhappiness at the moment..........god even if your working it's a struggle to make ends meet at the moment........if your black or white and live in a getto and got nothing and no real chance of getting anything what have you got to loose.....................I think it's wrong to behave like that but it's understandable Psychologically chimps that gang up occasionally and have to go kill something to feel some sence of tempory belonging.........