Tottenham riots

RAinham and Clacton (and Lakeside, Bluewater reports) have all been declared false ..

Although there was a potential uprising in Clacton but plod quickly sorted it (plenty of practice y'see :LOL: )
This would appear to rioting for rioting’s sake, no real reason other than the local claimants running around destroying the lives of the working people in the claimed name of revenge for a Gang member being shot after shooting at officers.

Some guys on here who have put up some comments need to have a look at another web forum, it will aid there understanding of what we are facing. Have a look at:

This is a real blog written from the front line and will open some eyes for those that are not in the know.

Birmingham has been targeted tonight with major disorder, shops destroyed, lives ruined, homes lost, property stolen, Police stations set on fire and all in the name of what……..anti police demonstrations.

Take a look at Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol and all around.
In a lane off Mare Street the wreckage of a burnt-out car still smoulders, surrounded by riot police.

I was talking to one young man who had received on his BlackBerry a list of places where he said there will be further trouble tonight.

He didn't tell me which places and stressed it is speculation. But he and a friend told me frustration with poverty in the area was boiling over.

So poverty is owning a Blackberry now? Guess his dole wouldn't stretch to an iFad.

When I was young and skint poverty was not having enough food.
This had to happen sooner or later.
There's a whole generation of kids that have grown older knowing that whatever they do, no-one will reprimand them, their teachers can't touch them, they won't get a clip round the ear for being cheeky, and any police officer stopping them will spend the rest of the day back at the station justifying why he did so. Looking a bit shifty is no longer fair reason.
We are no longer allowed to defend our property, to keep these wron'uns out, by use of barbed wire, in case they hurt themselves...
All these security cameras have acheived nothing; wear a hood and you're laughing.
As has been very evident, the police have totally lost control, and (I never thought I'd say this), you have to feel for them.
"I'm alright, Jack" is the mentality, and consideration for others is a quaint old fashioned notion, for all sections of society.
Britain is well and truly Fucked!
suburbanreuben":1ounpq0r said:
This had to happen sooner or later.
There's a whole generation of kids that have grown older knowing that whatever they do, no-one will reprimand them, their teachers can't touch them, they won't get a clip round the ear for being cheeky, and any police officer stopping them will spend the rest of the day back at the station justifying why he did so. Looking a bit shifty is no longer fair reason.
We are no longer allowed to defend our property, to keep these wron'uns out, by use of barbed wire, in case they hurt themselves...
All these security cameras have acheived nothing; wear a hood and you're laughing.
As has been very evident, the police have totally lost control, and (I never thought I'd say this), you have to feel for them.
"I'm alright, Jack" is the mentality, and consideration for others is a quaint old fashioned notion, for all sections of society.
Britain is well and truly ****!

So true, it doesnt surprise me at all, these kids were the kids your saw on estates in those cop programs, not giving 2 hoots and now they have spilled on the the high streets looting, knowing that its aleast 30 mins before cops show up in force, and by then they have a new tv and trainers, makes me laugh.
Croydon's burning

Unusually, for once I couldn't hear a single siren last night, but there was a glow in the sky to the North.

Apparently one of the cycle shops got looted, I would guess Geoffrey Butler's in South End, but I could also be Evans which would be closest to were it was reported to be kicking off. Reeve's the furniture store is no more, only been there for 5 generations and over a hundred years.

Today I will have to cycle through Croydon's ground zero and hopefully get back before nightfall and it all kicks off again. :(
When I moved to London a few years back I fell in love with the place, vibrant, friendly, buzzing simply an amazing place to live. I spent last night in my weekday accommodation out in Oxfordshire where I am currently working, watching the news with a real sense of worry and concern for freinds , those hardworking people who have had their homes and jobs destroyed and indeed my own property on the islington hackney border, but most of all I felt shame for the entire city.

It won't surprise me if there have been people injured or killed in these riots, and I would love to see everyone who gets charged with being involved in any way with the riot also charged with arson/gbh/murder by association. The courts need to be extremely hard.

I am not going to cry myself to sleep over any of them receiving a tough custodial sentence any more than I cried my self to sleep over the death of an armed gangster.
What a mess hope it doesn't reach up here. Rubber bullets and water cannons are really needed, honest people should be easy to avoid as they probably will be indoors or trying to avoid the area - anyone carrying loot, bricks or petrol bombs should be shot on sight (rubber bullets), if they are too close all the better.
i think it spread last night in a very deliberate way, the set stuff on fire in different areas which spread the police and fire service thin then they went thieving.

problem aswel is all these bastards are now having a good sleep ready for tonights nightshift on the town again.