Tottenham riots

I have removed the comments on this thread that were misconstrued / misinterpreted before this becomes another one of those threads.

A heartbreaking day.
Wu-Tangled":1ds4729t said:
It's heartbreaking.

The feeling here (London) is sombre today. And scared. People are scared. People I know sitting in pubs that are just firebombed for the sake of it with people inside. Terrifying.

Imagine how terrifying it is living in those besieged streets. And that is what it is. It's a war out there. This isn't remotely political. It's just a huge game to these kids. Pushing boundaries. Seeing what they can get away with. Sad, but it is basically playing GTA for real.

Police everywhere. I can hear constant sirens. Helicopters.

They never had control to loose.

One word on everyone's lips.


Where is my leader standing up and taking control? Not talking of talks and discussions and arrests and threatening one is scared of penalty. They are there doing it and they have control of the streets and communities.


It's that bad.


Couldn't agree more

It is time the army were deployed and sorted these a**holes out.

The original 'reason' for this unrest is quickly becoming forgotten.

And you think London is a city which will be hosting the Olympic games next year....just appaling and also quite embarrasing.
Wu-Tangled":2o5zz179 said:
I have removed the comments on this thread that were misconstrued / misinterpreted before this becomes another one of those threads.

Good idea, Im sure Stevo and Rich would not wish their racist comments to be misconstrued.
I'm not sure about the army personally. It's easy to say that the military can stroll in and start breaking legs, but I worry that the first sight of a soldier could change the whole attitude of the rioters. Suddenly it becomes a war and they're under attack, trying to defend themselves rather than simply trying to avoid getting caught.

6,000 police on duty last night in London, the most in history. Tonight there will be 16,000 :shock:

If that doesn't work though, then they may have no choice. Army should be a last resort.
SantaHul":1sxjker9 said:
I'm not sure about the army personally. It's easy to say that the military can stroll in and start breaking legs, but I worry that the first sight of a soldier could change the whole attitude of the rioters. Suddenly it becomes a war and they're under attack, trying to defend themselves rather than simply trying to avoid getting caught.

6,000 police on duty last night in London, the most in history. Tonight there will be 16,000 :shock:

If that doesn't work though, then they may have no choice. Army should be a last resort.

16,000 is an army! there are only 10,000 british soldiers in helmand just to give a sense of perspective. I'd rather have them on the streets of london than on the streets of helmand though, why did we invade afghanistan again? isn't he dead now?
It's spreading north. Just heard reports of a bin being kicked over and a car without a current tax disc down in Morpeth.

The shame. Its the end of civilization. :cry:
Dr S":jryu1se2 said:
It's spreading north. Just heard reports of a bin being kicked over and a car without a current tax disc down in Morpeth.

The shame. Its the end of civilization. :cry:

I just saw a car with a blowing exhaust. I ran home and locked the door.
SantaHul":33tsgneb said:
I'm not sure about the army personally. It's easy to say that the military can stroll in and start breaking legs, but I worry that the first sight of a soldier could change the whole attitude of the rioters. Suddenly it becomes a war and they're under attack, trying to defend themselves rather than simply trying to avoid getting caught.

6,000 police on duty last night in London, the most in history. Tonight there will be 16,000 :shock:

If that doesn't work though, then they may have no choice. Army should be a last resort.

Yes, you do have a point. It could make everything worse.

But then how much worse can it be? There are people that are literally besieged in their own homes and roads with little or no back up, terrified to leave their homes empty, terrified to stay.

And that's not an exaggeration.

We are surely at last resort place now.

Personally I think this will fizzle out after a few days as people get bored and tired of it and it will all die down. but the crucial error will have been that nobody actually stopped it, they let it stop. That as John says above, will mean it can happen whenever they like.

Just had a bloke mugged off his bike at knifepoint and beaten up. right outside, way away from any 'hotspots' (two bus stops) by a gang of kids in scarfs taking advantage or the overstretched police force, on their way into the centre of town.

It's open season out there if you want to get up to no good.

In a supposedly civilised western capital. I am truly shocked by it out there. And heartbroken. Everyone here is shocked and scared.