Today's Ride

a few pics from today. I tried to find something to lean my 45650B to. not much succes... :eek: 😁







It's pouring down here and I did a hard ride yesterday so I am spending the day in the workshop

so far:

- nothing has fallen irretrievably underneath the workbench
- nothing has stripped/threaded/seized
- everything has gone as it should
- I discovered a nice stainless steel free hub body on a pair of Hope wheels hanging in the workshop
- the R4 programme on sharks was excellent
a few pics from today. I tried to find something to lean my 45650B to. not much succes... :eek: 😁







Aaah I'm envying you your summer weather. In the Southern Tablelands of NSW we had -2C overnight and it's now 7C at 10:30am as I prepare for my Sunday ride. It's dry and sunny, mind, and best of all no wind for a change, so still looking forward to it.
That was quite tough -- the so-called windless conditions turned out to be a steady 20kph breeze, very chilly, straight out of the south which happened to be the direction my first 14km and 200m of climbing was in. At least it was sunny and dry.

Was very grateful to be pushed home again by the wind when it was time to come back.

35km in total, 350m climbing, frozen feet the entire way round. Why do you feel significantly less fit when it's cold?
That was quite tough -- the so-called windless conditions turned out to be a steady 20kph breeze, very chilly, straight out of the south which happened to be the direction my first 14km and 200m of climbing was in. At least it was sunny and dry.

Was very grateful to be pushed home again by the wind when it was time to come back.

35km in total, 350m climbing, frozen feet the entire way round. Why do you feel significantly less fit when it's cold?
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Yes that looks freezing 😅😂🤣
That’s a great post - entirely forgotten that you are out in the cold in the mornings at the time of the year …

lovely Airborne (note correction…I noticed your list of bikes and then squinted at the photo…)

..and wind..

…commuting 18km each way from the Fens into Cambridge means wind. And always, wind is harder than hills. That one is something where I still am working through the physics and am still not there yet. Buffetting? Variable angle of attack? Every morning my colleague Martin and I talk wind; he comes in from the SW into work (usually pushed by the wind) while I come in from the NE, usually against the wind. I prefer in against and home pushed. He has to live with the reverse. Psychologically, I prefer my deal with nature, and feel quite aggrieved when it’s the other way around.

You ask why unfitter when cold? Vasoconstriction. The body protects the core, sending blood to the brain and heart, and constricts the arteries and veins in the rest of the body. Blood pressure goes up, transport of oxygen to muscle cells goes down. Power output reduces. Keep the core warm and everything else starts to function like it is 25 deg C outside…this is a big thing in climbing and skiing. People have cold hands so they buy madly technical gloves. Nope…increase the insulation on your torso and your hands keep warm…
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Haha I wish it was a Litespeed! It's really an Airborne Carpe Diem -- made by the company that became Van Nicholas. It's a Ti cyclocross frame but I've fitted light roadie wheels and 38mm gravel tyres and it works pretty well on most surfaces.

I was also pondering wind on this ride . . . pity I failed O-level physics, because angles and numbers don't really talk to me. But it does seem quite clear that even if the wind isn't directly in your face, anywhere within an arc of 180 degrees ahead of you will hold you back more or less, and anything behind in a similar arc will help or at least hinder you less. As for gusting and buffeting, I guess that ramps up these effects radically, according to the intensity of each gust wind. And I'm sure it gets more complex than that!

Vasoconstriction makes sense. I'm a big fan of insulating the core but perhaps my attempts haven't been sufficient. Today I had a Helly Hansen base layer, a thicker insulated stretchy 'tech fabric' shirt over that (long sleeves both) and a gilet. Things certainly got sweaty eventually, but those numb feet may indicate that it wasn't enough.
…on Litespeed … only some avoid the generic seat tube crack .. Gary H torched frames seem better …


lovely Airborne (note correction…I noticed your list of bikes and then squinted at the photo…)

on core…that sounds like good layers…I have some brilliant ion jackets which have wind proof layer and then thin fleece on the inside - great for wicking and keeping things dry but also complete wind block. The problem with most wind shells is that they become boil in the bag and dripping with condensation - and that’s evil for chilling and sending things into a horrible spiral.