Today's Ride


Today-Sunday-Still amazing Spring like weather- about 68 F. (20 C.) today. We rode up to the Lakes on the lower North side of Tam...


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Today-Saturday-After 5 days off the bike due to some surgery last monday that involved a lot of stitches, I got out on a ride today. Supposed to wait 7 days before riding, so the stitches won't burst or something, but I chanced it-seems to be fine, so up 1000' or so to the West of town today. Still having our fake Spring in February weather, about 70 F. and sunny...


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Re: Re:

FairfaxPat":ijxpx9sx said:
Brrrr... looks too cold for me, 26er :)
Actually that wasn't all that cold. It was quite nice cmp to what was to come. The day after - it rained a lot and snowed on top, and then it froze... into icy ruts and temps dropped below -10, and stayed there for about two, or maybe even three weeks. The longest time off the bike not being sick or injured in last 10 years. At least.

Hope you get well soon.



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Nice one yesterday on the chunky tire bike. Lots of riders out in the
Avalon area of Patapsco

Was -12ºC with gusts to 35

Managed almost 3 hours, much better than 15 minutes on the indoor trainer


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Anything on a real bike is better than a trainer :) Today-Sunday-Can't believe the weather we are having- 76 F. ( 24 C.) and sunny out. Charlie Kelly and I did a road ride on our repurposed old Mountainbikes with slicks. Down to the Bay, through the old Railway tunnel, and out onto a levee by the Bay and back...


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Today-Monday- a Holiday here, so lots of people out enjoying the amazing mid-winter sun. 78 F. ( 26 C. ) today. A ride up to the lakes with my old friend Megan-met a couple of riders from France and Ireland on the ride, also...


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Today-Friday-Our spell of Spring-like weather is over now- 62 F. this morning. Out for a short road ride before an expected afternoon rain shower...


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Re: Re:

FairfaxPat":2ut9qpni said:
Hey 26er, ask Woz if he still has it and can put up a pic.
Seeing your FUNK again reminded me of the above. Unfortunately our dear Woz went for a ride to France and sort of got stuck there so can't really get any pics from him. But, the other day I found a few pictures of his Funk I took back in 2013. Not sure what happened to it, but I never saw Woz ride it...


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