Today's Ride


Today-Wednesday-A morning ride up into the Water District on Tam...


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Today-Friday-An early morning ride to the Bay and back-Longun, the Coast Redwoods we have around here are the tallest trees on the planet-the tallest measured one is up North of here about 150 miles- 379 feet tall...


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I struggle after a couple of hours, too, flyer :) . The skies look so deep blue there, and that van looks perfect for camping and bringing along the bikes! Today-Saturday-We rode up to the West of town. Lots of people on the trails as it is perfect out, about 80 F. with a nice breeze...


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Re: down by the Thames

Me and my buddy explored a section of the Thames path on Saturday where we used to live(first time we had been back in nearly 40 years). The WW2 decoy barges are still lying on the mud at Rainham. No one wants them as they are concrete and have no scrap value. The old Gunpowder Mill at Purfleet still has one last big shell sitting outside, painted red in case you missed it !


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Love that part of the Thames!

We have been dreaming about barges and such for a long time now. They ought to move those out somewhere and sink them to form reefs.

Pat, the sky is not that blue, just used a crappy app on the Sony phone. I need to scan in some slides I have of the local scenery, but I am between film scanners.

Don't normally use a vehicle, but we head into town for supplies now and then.

Our usual circuit with the dog, a few miles all off road mainly on well kept track.

Lunch overlooking our favourite burn.

End with a bimble around town and coffee at Inverness' finest cafe on our way for the weekly shop.

Still not fit enough for the bigger hills, so it looks like that will be next year now thanks to the winter.

Today-Monday-A morning ride to the Bay and back, cooler mornings these days, about 56 F. when I left-although it's supposed to get hot this afternoon and the next few days, fall is in the air and the leaves are turning to fall colors...


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In the low 40s this morning so I figure by your standards we probably already got winter here, but only a week ago ppl were still riding in shorts. Incl yours truly. Can't recall ever doin that in October before. Gotta love this global warming!


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