Senior Retro Guru
Today-Friday-Really kinda hot today for this time of year-86 F.-a lazy ride up the hill, then back through town to look at progress on the new Bike Museum, opening tomorrow with a big party-they finally got the sign up, and I spotted the Tofumobile-a trailer built BITD for a new, hippie oriented tofu maker here in town. They used this trailer to deliver big tubs of fresh tofu, pulled by a bike-as far away as Mill Valley-Alan Bonds recently repainted it like he did originally, and it, along with one of the bikes that towed it will be here, too...
Today-Friday-Really kinda hot today for this time of year-86 F.-a lazy ride up the hill, then back through town to look at progress on the new Bike Museum, opening tomorrow with a big party-they finally got the sign up, and I spotted the Tofumobile-a trailer built BITD for a new, hippie oriented tofu maker here in town. They used this trailer to deliver big tubs of fresh tofu, pulled by a bike-as far away as Mill Valley-Alan Bonds recently repainted it like he did originally, and it, along with one of the bikes that towed it will be here, too...