..but it's not "a diet".. through the warmer months i eat overnight oats for breakfast made with 50% cows milk and 50% coconut milk, chia seeds, turmeric superblend, handful of almonds and pecans with blossom honey.. when the weather turns cold i switch to porridge with pecans, wallnuts, cashews, almonds, raisins and a sprinkling of cacao nibs..I haven't eaten lunch for 15yrs, then i eat an evening meal.. i weigh 11.5st and i'm 5'11"
That burger was delicious, last burger i ate was in Sicily back in August.. which was also delicious, i've never used a food app and the last time i went to Mcdonalds was sometime around 1995.. so please explain to me where i'm going wrong beacuse i'm not a dietition