Today's Ride

That bike looks fantastic, simple, purposeful and classy.
unlike the ho's boudoir I usually end up with, sorry create!
Thanks. The credit goes to the designers at Specialized, I haven't changed anything, just updated a few things.
Had to stop stopping for photos in the end. Rutland seems to have a lot of stuff that’s pretty. Lovely crisp morning, ride took a short dive when a field I thought had a hard packed track had been ploughed. Left most of that at the jet wash at the petrol station on the way back, best £2 I’ve spent today!
The cement works is a bit of a blot on the landscape but provides a stunning route through and around the top of the limestone quarry. Didn’t photo that today as have done it before.

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And do you know what.
I am freezing and trying to warm up in bed, obvious enough. Then SWMBO comes into the bedroom and says, while you are in there my bikes out in the rain!
Ssseeessshhhh! It is awkward getting 3 bikes in our shed, but then if it's more complicated than a spoon my other half is usually flummoxed!
..but it's not "a diet".. through the warmer months i eat overnight oats for breakfast made with 50% cows milk and 50% coconut milk, chia seeds, turmeric superblend, handful of almonds and pecans with blossom honey.. when the weather turns cold i switch to porridge with pecans, wallnuts, cashews, almonds, raisins and a sprinkling of cacao nibs..I haven't eaten lunch for 15yrs, then i eat an evening meal.. i weigh 11.5st and i'm 5'11"

That burger was delicious, last burger i ate was in Sicily back in August.. which was also delicious, i've never used a food app and the last time i went to Mcdonalds was sometime around 1995.. so please explain to me where i'm going wrong beacuse i'm not a dietition :rolleyes:
Sorry not relied earlier, few days being ill and not up to anything. I'm certainly not a dietician or an expert, possibly my wording may have suggested so.
Just to me it doesn't as a meal it does not look appetising, too much protein, just some carbs and nothing else, I'm glad it's a meal you only eat occasionally, too many in our world seem to live on it.
My breakfasts are similar to yours, I also add various berries and some gut beneficial yogurt.
Quick 40km to take the mind off the dog being stuck at the vets. Still some patches of snow around along with lots of frost and ice, fortunately no falls this time.


An image that may be distressing for any fans of classic British cars; bunch of mini coopers, morris minors etc rotting away.

Some better pictures of it towards the bottom of this post

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