Today's Ride

T-minus two days until the apparent first snow of the season; temps certainly seem in line with it, sharp drop from double to single digits over the last week and the first day I've really felt it - numb fingers after a steady 57km 🥶


it's a small shame that Kona wasn't a Be-Bop Deluxe.
Fantastic colour
it's a small shame that Kona wasn't a Be-Bop Deluxe.
Fantastic colour

They used that colour pretty frequently across their line ups, earliest I saw that looked like a 1:1 match is on a 91 Cinder Cone/92 Explosif, some later ones came in gold but they looked much more vibrant even bordering on orange. Popped up again mid 2000s era so it wouldn't be too hard to find one, or even a colour match/ral code/etc.

42ish km round trip to what used to be an anti aircraft depot. Didn't want the post to be too image heavy so imgur album link at the bottom, if you wanna look up more about it then search East Boldon Anti Aircraft Depot.



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Today’s ride was one of those ones that you have to get out the house because the mood and vibe is off. Clear the mind, a quick spin, avoid mondeo man turning across you when you’re clearly dangling your arm to turn left, type ride.

I fixed this up last night, last time out, it started making crunchy gear noises coming back from Richmond park (loose chainring bolt). As for the ride, the down hill bit was great, the uphills not great and the less said for the ford driver the better…

Got back, made coffee and the vibe is better, so glad i went out. TIW

Its a copse in Bushy Park, SW London
We should all go for a ride sometimes.
I'm local to you guys 👍
Today I discovered that when the sun is beaming down ahead of you, it makes it really hard to judge between whether the upcoming tarmac floor is damp or icy and I found this out approximately 2ms after taking a corner just after passing what looked like a primary school day out. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on perspective) bordering on two decades of skateboarding has turned bouncing off the floor into normality, so no real injuries aside from a bruised ego.

Actually yesterdays ride, one of the last days before it drops below freezing regularly, it was 60°F and breezy, sunny earlier, and took some detours on the work commute

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The third pic is getting down to that waterfront which was a fun one, but isn’t an interesting pic so it will not be embedded into the post.
It’s all marsh, the terrain is like sponge and there’s these horrifying holes full of water everywhere that I can’t tell the depth of , not riding on that again.
That last pic that’s a ride spoiler right there! Depending on how far out you are, the potential for wet, cold feet for the rest of the ride.