Today's Ride

Off for a sticky bun ride shortly .
I need to go out to try and wear off the slab of the missus cake I have just devoured.
Will this help the waist line? Fock it .
A few miles more this PM . Farm cooked 🥙 and cake 🎂 plus a good brew.🫖
Also another near miss by a car driven by a total muppet. 2nd one this week .Driving 🚘 standards are getting worst by the year. I dispare.

If I start at the sea. Literally. And ride to a known OS map point of altitude will that be how many feet of climbing my toy should register?

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Where the sea starts at any given moment is going to depend on the tides; an average sea level is used for gauging elevation and altitude, so your toy should be in the right ball park but allow for minor discrepancies. (Obviously, if there are any ups and downs on the way to the top, you will do more climbing than just the vertical distance between sea level and the highest point of your ride and your toy's figures might reflect that.)

I have to say, that looks a rather steep climb in the photo. Kudos if you do it on a single-speed. ;)
Beloved spouse's birthday party last night . . . champagne and beers and a 2:30am bedtime.

Sprang up this morning for a quick ride under the mistaken impression that it was the last day of the month and I hadn't hit my July mileage goal. Choose to singlespeed as time was short and I felt a little rough. Nice morning, dry and clear and not too cold -- about 12C.

When I got back I was gently informed that I could have covered the last few miles for July tomorrow . . . what a numpty.

^^^Glad it's just not me who does this sort of thing. ^^^ But then I rarely know what day of the week it is .as the date that's another matter altogether.🤭😷🙄