Today's Ride

Thought so. I lived in Flackwell Heath in the 90s. Always a tough climb home. Up past the football pitch.
Riding has been out of the question this last four weeks: life has intervened. Even today, two-and-a-half hours was all that was available, but I made the most of the opportunity and got out on the newfangled vélo de gravier which, incidentally, I'm loving. The South-East has been plagued with strong, chilly winds for the last few weeks and today was no exception. The majority of the first fifteen miles or so was into a 20 MPH headwind coming in from the North Sea but I got down on the drops and slogged it out. I was concerned that my fitness would have dipped but there seemed plenty of miles in the legs. I didn't stop for many photos; I just wanted to cover a respectable distance. But I did stop for a drink and a slice of cake on the beach. Some things just have to be done!

Fortunately, there were few people around in the early evening, so 20 MPH, with few hold-ups for dogs, children and phone-zombies, was comfortably possible along this stretch of sea front.

And then it was a blast through the woods and home for dinner.
Conquered the nemesis hill on Friday's after work ride. Echoing CassidyAce, whilst it was sunny, there was a chilly ENE breeze hence I wore long sleeves. It was a brilliant ride where everything came together and just felt spot on.



Since then the wind has eased a touch but dropped the northerly direction so at long last it's actually warm. Long may that continue!
Right before I saw a 3ft beige/black snake (diamondback?) and endo’d

I fell ON the scaly bastard and he slithered away. After I panicked and rode some away 50yards I was checking everywhere for bite marks… just scrapes and a souvenir in the bars

Different part of the ride - a smaller specimen but I think it must have been the same kind of snake. I guess they’re called a gopher snake, not aggressive or deadly .


This is part of my loop that I never stop for photos because it’s a grind. I don’t have a gps or strava but another cyclist said this segment is called “hell hill”



And this bridge connects the overlook on hell hill to the state park where I get my single track fix. All about 2 miles from home.


MLK monument in Kenneth Hanh star park with DTLA in the background

Tuesday after work ride where I encountered the footpath police for the first time (yes, my tyres are definitely the cause of trail wear, not the 20k+ walkers per year), and do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you?



Turns out they left their messagse for me this morning all over a few trails 🤣 🤮. The legs felt good and the forecast looking unfavourable, I got out there whilst I could. A chilly 8 degrees with a steady E wind which will increase throughout the day apparently. Hazy sunshine but beautiful blue skies.

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