Today's Ride

Monday after work ride, getting in the last of the current run of sunshine. Now it's solid high grey clouds and back to 11-12 degrees if you squint hard. Yesterday evening, 17 degrees, a steady ENE breeze, pretty much everything to myself even though it's half term. I suspect folks burnt themselves out yesterday ;)


This bike is immense, in case I haven't mentioned it before ;):LOL:
Steady ENE breeze, felt like 9, a touch warmer as the sun rose. Glorious blue skies and golden sunshine. Apparently it'll hit 19 later today. I remain sceptical!

My nemesis hill was almost conquered. I reckon it touches 15%, no big deal, it's the loose gravel that's the challenge. I was right near the top when I took the wrong line (again) and got bogged down in the rain rut. I need to keep it on the high line to the right (my left coming up) to the very end.


The rest is easy out the top.


Always elevation, which means, there's a downhill as the reward 👍

Steady ENE breeze, felt like 9, a touch warmer as the sun rose. Glorious blue skies and golden sunshine. Apparently it'll hit 19 later today. I remain sceptical!

My nemesis hill was almost conquered. I reckon it touches 15%, no big deal, it's the loose gravel that's the challenge. I was right near the top when I took the wrong line (again) and got bogged down in the rain rut. I need to keep it on the high line to the right (my left coming up) to the very end.


The rest is easy out the top.


Always elevation, which means, there's a downhill as the reward 👍


I've made it up there in a oner on a couple of occasions, though haven't tried for quite some time now. One wrong move, weight distribution slightly off, or pedal too hard in the wrong gear and it's all over :LOL:
Inspired by @Ingola 's early morning shenanigans, I got out there on the Duck. IMG_20230602_100214218.jpg IMG_20230602_100239821.jpg
Neighborhood trails were great, I was able to build some speed here, enough to startle a group of wild turkeys grazing in the long grass. I would share photos, but my lens was covered in sunscreen and sweat. The woods however, were still super muddy and rutted. The ATVs can really dig a hole IMG_20230602_100500190.jpg IMG_20230602_101213753.jpg
Nearly lost Duck Norris, and my shoe, so I headed for drier grounds. IMG_20230602_102217897.jpg
IMG_20230602_102150207.jpg Much hotter under the power lines too though. It felt like a dessert, I had turkey vultures following me around with bibs and cutlery
We've had a tough winter, lots of damage to the trees, I could have used a saw at some points. Hike a bike is inevitable on most of my woods trails IMG_20230602_103020838.jpg IMG_20230602_104113562.jpg
Eventually made it down to the big river and found a spot for chillaxin. IMG_20230602_104430756.jpg
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The more bikes I own, the less I seem to ride...

A local 15 miles to follow up on a couple of local history tips.

Under this copse are the remains of a Saxon Chapel, built, as were many early churches, close to a freshwater spring.
The area near here, known as Barnburgh Crags, is said to be site of the Battle of Maisbelli in 487 AD.
Screenshot_20230603_222548_Gallery.jpg Following on from here I found myself on an unfamiliar path, through an unfamiliar wood...

The signs were saying I shouldn't be here
I didn't have too long, and it was very warm, so I started to make my way in the direction of home.
Gratuitous retrobike snood shot
Lovely day.
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