Today's Ride

Two weeks is too long to be away from the handlebars. The thrill of returning almost denied a photo, as I was nearly home before remembering.

Unfortunately it's a repeat of one I've taken before. Screenshot_20210827-232024_Gallery.jpg

Life takes over and sometimes denies you the opportunity to do something you love, just for a little while. When you come back to it you appreciate it that little bit more.
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Further adventures in learning to ride a road bike today. I set off with thoughts of turning the bike into a 3x8, Gripshift, flat bar and bar ends machine—pretty much like every other bike I have, but 700c and with skinny tyres—or perhaps just selling it, but the bike and I turned out to have some sort of chemistry today. Nothing like the chemistry with the Stumpy, but some glimmers of chemistry.

2x10 stopped seeming a weird, pointless alternative to 3x and started to make some sort of sense. There were fewer times when I nudged the right brake lever to the left expecting it to shift to a higher gear, like the left brake lever does. I started riding with a bit more attack. And, feeling like a properly experienced roadie as I took a corner or two at speed, I started wondering whether Lycra might be alright after all . . . But I came to my senses almost instantly. Lycra is for wrestlers and the history books of 80s hair metal. Not for me.

Anyway, waffle aside, it was a good ride. 32-and-a-bit miles. Mostly sunshine but very windy across the exposed farmland. The road bike gets some tweaks rather than a 'For Sale' advert . . . For now.



Well, its been a while, seems like so many things to do and so little time for all of them.

Felt a bit cooler in the house, so i went out with a jacket on, it turned out warmer outside so that came straight off. A nice short route today, tracks and trails less ridden as i tend to go further away. Really enjoyable, only bumped into a few dog walkers and a horse rider or two. Rode through the Vale, i used to train there most days when younger, have recently started going out climbing again with an old climbing partner so was nice to re-visit an old haunt.

As i was only on a short ride i managed to have more energy for some local wooded singletrack, usually hit it at the end of a long ride, and with the trails still bone dry they and me were running really fast, a couple of corners i had to dab the brake to check my speed, great fun. Though i have a few scratches on the arms as parts were a bit overgrown with brambles and nettles, resulting in less concentration on the rooted singletrack which nearly caught me out a couple of times.

So glad i made the effort again, as always, and though i do like the sun, today was just about perfect riding weather.

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After being offered a silly overtime rate, work it was. It would have been rude not to.

I left at 6.30am. It was fantastic. Hardly anything out and about. Absolutely spiffing pace, no holdups and decent conditions.

Coming home it was quite blustery and overcast.

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This morning it was wet. Pah!...

And that was all I wrote yesterday before falling asleep... so this is today and yesterday's ride.

Under the Talbot Road bridge Screenshot_20210901-211341_Gallery.jpg
Wtf... Screenshot_20210901-211352_Gallery.jpg
Both homeward rides have been into a headwind.
I'm slowly getting back into the routine
The heat has returned. Lovely 24 degrees with a very light breeze. Decided to go for a ride down to the coast, through the woods. The big white mansion belongs to the count of the area, he owns all the forests and the fields for miles.

Upon returning home my better half wanted to take the bikes for a spin, so I ventured out once again, and we went to the local harbour to enjoy the last wee rays of the sun as it went down. The black painted bike is an Explosif that I need to fit with a p2 fork sometime.


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