Been neglecting duties recently. Might have something to do with moving... Anyway, today was old but new.
The Trans Pennine Trail will be less than a mile from my front door when I settle in, which will be in a couple of weeks, all being well. It encompasses many trails I rode when I was young that have been linked together forming NCN62 - brilliant!
Miserable weather,
but undeterred and wrapped up I went for a wander. First across what used to be Cadeby Colliery, towards the viaduct.
Once done with that I picked up the trail towards Sprotborough, then on to Scawthorpe, through to Woodlands. Then towards Brodsworth and the former site of Markham Main Colliery.
Most of the TPT is paved in this area, which is disappointing: and treacherous in the wet. Had a huge moment on a deceptively slick right hander, losing the front, saved it, to then have the back come around, and slide off the path speedway style. Must have looked mightily impressive

Got a bit lost as I'm still getting disoriented - that'll be the Labyrinthitis again.
The TPT became the Doncaster Greenway as the signs petered out. Nicked most likely as I encountered several posts with no signs.
Still, 25 miles later I was back home satisfied with my efforts, despite being cold and soaked.
13°c with steady unrelenting drizzle.
Everyday is a beautiful day after a good ride - great buzz. Bit of a ramble, just like the text.