Today's Ride


Couple of bikes, couple of walkers, couple of tractors. Saw more Red Kites than people. A quiet 20 miles this morning, over to Barwick Ford and back. Felt a bit sluggish. About 15 miles offroad. Taking in some of the views that I probably won't have chance to see again before I move. Couple of new paths and a byway near Cold Christmas.

About 13°c when I went out. 21°c when I got back. Light breeze. Goldilocks weather.


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Re: Re:

Markybeau":2kq4d25l said:
Couple of bikes, couple of walkers, couple of tractors. Saw more Red Kites than people. A quiet 20 miles this morning, over to Barwick Ford and back. Felt a bit sluggish. About 15 miles offroad. Taking in some of the views that I probably won't have chance to see again before I move. Couple of new paths and a byway near Cold Christmas.

About 13°c when I went out. 21°c when I got back. Light breeze. Goldilocks weather.
Wonderful - love the descriptions too! Wanna go

Left for work not long after sun-up. Returned home some time after sundown - it was dark.

Hazy kind of morning...and kind of evening too. Cool this morning. Got soaked by the dew hanging in the long grass, along the field edges, and overgrown paths. Lots of spray.

Also got caught out as a farmer had been out and furrowed a field I've crossing on my new route. Had to get off and push, what a bugger that was. He'd been really thorough and gone all the way to the edges.

Came home via Stanstead Abbotts and the dismantled railway line to Widford. It's become a bit of a favourite.

Pace is steadily improving.

14°c this morning - cool
25°c this evening - muggy


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Glorious summers day :cool:

A bit beat up from a couple of epic days out recently so it was nice to just get out for a steady ride through the countryside on a nice summers day.

The sun was out, no clouds, warm breeze, dry trails and a flat battery in the camera all added to a nice carefree ride. Really need to get a more upright relaxed ride for days like today.

With the recent sunny weather all the undergrowth has started to explode again, lots of nettles back and plenty of fruit on the bushes to savour.

Back out into the garden now to sit back and relax with a cool drink :cool:


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Chasing the light home.

Second commute of the week.

Still struggling with the inner ear problem. Sometimes i feel fine, sometimes feel like I'm falling backwards off a cliff.

My pace is still not great but that might be more to do with the route than my fitness. Felt fast this morning, but I, err, wasn't....

It was cold this morning, 9°c with a sharpness in the air I've not experienced for months. Autumn is here.

Coming home about 16°c when I set off, dropping quite a bit when it got dark, to around 12°c.

Limited photo ops today.


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Yesterday i went for another walk with a friend and old climbing partner up into the mountains, hills really but are classed as mountains, to a nice gritstone edge and spent most of the day sat in the warm sun reminiscing and taking in the views, it was a great day. Today was pretty much the same again weather wise, glorious warm summers day though a bit more wind and it had changed direction so was slightly cooler, which was greatly appreciated on the open field tracks.

I don't usually go out at the weekend, leaving it to the masses, but i had finished my jobs early and had nothing to do. With the sun beckoning me out i decided to go for a short ride, i managed to avoid much of the chaos and only bumped into a few people now and again.

Another great ride and as usual, glad i made the effort.

Looking out over one of the old pits, my local hill in the distance between the chimney and left wheel. The fields to the left are just behind my house.

Great bit of singletrack through a small wood which includes the small water crossing in the picture. I tried to stay in the open most the ride though as it was a nice day.

The trails were empty today, even the usually busier parts

The ride across the fields back to my house were still dry, usually the mud is the type to stick and build up on you tyres making it impossible to ride. The only issue was the lower fields had a combine working in them which was making a lot of dust that i had to ride through.


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All roads lead somewhere...

Out early this morning. Trails deserted. Cool but not cold. Thought I'd put in a couple of hours and wandered over the border.
After an hour I came to realise my heart wasn't in it, and decided to head home. This was one ride where the endorphins were just not enough.
22 miles
11°c going out
14°c coming back
Cool breeze at times.


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