Today's Ride

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and that you also all have a happy and betterer New Year :D

Cold day today.

Havent been out for a while on the mtb, not motivated really but forced myself today, glad i did as quite a nice ride.

Went out along the lanes to ride a trail out to Bolsover castle but the police had blocked the road off and the longer road ride around to get to the trail was too daunting. I ended up just riding a local trail through Hardwick and around a loop, which though full of dogs and their two legged companions was ideal as i was feeling the long rest.

A good little ride.


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Windy today.

The air was not as cold as yesterday so, though dog sitting, i decided to get out for a quick ride.

It was busier than the other day, lots of people out walking. Though not in a rush i did seem to have a faster pace than usuall due to the triple rings up front, so used to the 1X i forget how much faster/quicker the triple set up is. Also the Kona feels a lot lighter than my modern bike and despite having flat bars is somehow easier to bunny hop over trail obstacles.

Great ride with much fun thrown in :D


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The History Man":1tcgdigh said:
loving the cleft. Happy new year

Yes, its a cracking example. And a happy new year to you too, i hope you are still getting out along that beautiful coastline you now have, on both bikes.
Very mild today.

Havent been out on a bike for a while now, due to various reasons but really felt the urge today. Despite the weather turning drizzly by the time i had got my act together i headed out down a trail i had not ridden before.

The trail goes nowhere, as in it ends and there is no obvious link to anything else so is basically just a there and back kinda ride. Never really appealed to me before but after today i am glad i made the effort as not only was it something new to look at and explore, it was also quite enjoyable to ride. The weather was quite windy at times with the odd drizzle shower but it was very mild and shorts and top were plenty enough. The trails were holding a lot of surface water so it was quite a spraytastic ride, one to make sure your mouth was closed unless you were thirsty that is.

I love exploring, its something i have been lucky enough to be able to do most my life and as is the case, mainly due to the eyes seeing new things and having to register them, it always seems longer to get somewhere than to get back.

A very enjoyable ride.


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Couple of shakedown runs


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I took a trip through Yateley cold but nice bright day



Warm today.

A beautiful warm crisp wintery day, great day for a ride.

I had other things i was meant to be doing today but one needs to make the most of situations, so i went for a ride as it was definitaly a day to be outside.

I went down to a short trail that heads out to Bolsover and back through some senic nature reserves. A great little ride but can be quite popular with dogs taking their owners out for walks. On the way is one of the councils 'use the yearly budget up' projects, though this one is quite useful, to me anyway. I say me as i have never seen anyone else there, not suprised as it is not signed and is in a place seldom trodden by man. The trail is short but packs quite a bit in, plenty as a distraction from the longer ride ahead. Most the lakes and ponds were still frozen over, which is great for watching birds trying to land.

A great ride on a beautiful warm day.


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