Today's Ride

Re: Re:

k-rod":1zj46e6e said:
Hey ... anyone else sort of miss seeing FairfaxPat's oft postings on here? Was just thinking about him now.

He's still around checking out our rides, but only after he's finished chasing everyone else in the universe :wink:
Windy, cold, windy.

Went for a longer ride today as feeling good, not the most exciting trails but had a good time anyway. People seem to get too caught up on what they are riding instead of just riding for fun these days.

The wind was the driving force on todays ride though, pity it wasnt going the same way as me. Strong winds were blowing my bike all over the place. Also front pads were binding, once i realised that it wasnt my legs failing and after sorting them i found the uphills quite a bit easier :roll:

Having a fun ride so didnt stop for pics really, the sky as it got a bit darker had some nice colours in it but my camera didnt really capture them.

Great ride


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Just binge-read my way through this thread, in particular through FairfaxPat's posts.

What a guy, always interesting, always upbeat.

I know I'm relatively new here but I now appreciate a little more how important people like Pat were in helping to develop a sport I've loved for over 35 years, and although I know he won't see this I just want to express my gratitude to him and his comrades from the trails way back in the day.

It's a great shame there won't be any more posts from him.
Cold wet and very cold.

Went out for a longish flatish and slowish ride today. Before i got to the actual trails i decided to go another way, which was shorter hillier and quicker, ha, sooo wet boggy and wet. Took me ages to get around but made the route a lot more interesting.

With the cloud cover today the light wasnt that great so most pictures are a bit dull. Not too bothered as the photo stops gave me a chance to rest from the seemingly constant wheel spinning across wet muddy and wet fields and trails.

As you may have gathered it was a very wet and cold ride, with extra wetness and a pinch more cold thrown in for added amusement...

...great ride.


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I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and that you also all have a happy and betterer New Year :D

Cold day today.

Havent been out for a while on the mtb, not motivated really but forced myself today, glad i did as quite a nice ride.

Went out along the lanes to ride a trail out to Bolsover castle but the police had blocked the road off and the longer road ride around to get to the trail was too daunting. I ended up just riding a local trail through Hardwick and around a loop, which though full of dogs and their two legged companions was ideal as i was feeling the long rest.

A good little ride.


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Windy today.

The air was not as cold as yesterday so, though dog sitting, i decided to get out for a quick ride.

It was busier than the other day, lots of people out walking. Though not in a rush i did seem to have a faster pace than usuall due to the triple rings up front, so used to the 1X i forget how much faster/quicker the triple set up is. Also the Kona feels a lot lighter than my modern bike and despite having flat bars is somehow easier to bunny hop over trail obstacles.

Great ride with much fun thrown in :D


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