Things I have an irrational/unfounded dislike of...

I now have an irrational dislike of that particular breed of loner, namely the Whyte rider. I have tried to strike up conversation as they attach one of seven D-locks to their precious machines and even try to vary the comment to something more original than "nice bike mate" but to no avail. Is there a clause in the Whyte warranty that swears them to silence over the merits of their steed or is it the eye patch and parrot on the shoulder that makes them think I'm some sort of ne-er do well planning to hoist their bike as soon as they're half way through their shopping? I may be a gobs***e now and again but these guys are verging on the Gregorian! :(
gm1230126":33ww24oc said:
Radar":33ww24oc said:
don't know why but don't like GT bikes at all at all at all

But if you spent one day in my basement with my GT's you'd come away with a new found love for them.


don't like spiders either but wouldn't wish to try a bit of aversion therapy there either!

clearly retrobike is populated by a lot of passionate folk - over 800 hits on this thread in under 24 hours
Can't believe I haven't got on my high horse already - people calling the Peak District the Peaks! Argh!!!!!

(helmet peaks are really handy if you have doubleglazed eyes through necessity rather than just to look good)

there's no real skill involved in a replica - all it is is waiting around for the right parts to become available
White porcs! :D

Tyres (tire's for ameybrook) should be black (they do tend get in mud/dirt so why make them white?) and why make a tyre so soft that it wears out by time you have pushed the bike out of the garage/shed!
Not anything to do with bike parts but something that really feckin annoys me is car drivers who stop on the box assigned for bikes at traffic lights,can you not see the bloody great bike painted on the floor :evil:
Things that mount my mammaries:

(1) retro bikes. I mean come on! Move with the times! Ha ha just kidding. Seriously though, when the occasional shit design is championed just because it is retro and (was deservedly consigned to) history makes me wonder. Not many granted, but definitely some cases of the emperor's old clothes...*cough*chainstay mounted U-brake*ahem*

(2) carbon frames. If I wanted something baked in the oven, I'd choose a cake. There's more craftsmanship in some of my stools. Out of interest, are any manufacturers offering lifetime guarantees with carbon frames? Probably someone is doing this but I'm not sure I'd like to thrash one 25 years down the line...

(3) MBUK. LOL!!! Kewl mag guyzzz!!!!111 Keep up tha gud work!!111 Laterzzz.