I can't believe that helmet peaks are being added to this list - they're one of the best reasons for wearing a helmet in the first place!
I will admit I originally thought they were just a fashion thing when they first started appearing (and probably they were!) But after buying a helmet that happened to come with a peak, I couldn't live without one now.
In short - they help you see where you're going. Yes, you could wear glasses of some sort but I hate all those (make you either look ridiculous or a poser or likely both, separate you from everything round about you and are disorientating).
They keep most of the rain / snow / hail out of your eyes, and do a good job of shading your eyes from the sun (both features are frequently required simultaneously in Scotland )
I can't actually think of anything that I would like added to the list right now - I must be ill
I will admit I originally thought they were just a fashion thing when they first started appearing (and probably they were!) But after buying a helmet that happened to come with a peak, I couldn't live without one now.
In short - they help you see where you're going. Yes, you could wear glasses of some sort but I hate all those (make you either look ridiculous or a poser or likely both, separate you from everything round about you and are disorientating).
They keep most of the rain / snow / hail out of your eyes, and do a good job of shading your eyes from the sun (both features are frequently required simultaneously in Scotland )
I can't actually think of anything that I would like added to the list right now - I must be ill